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24 Questions with Ms. United World, Vera Morris

24 Questions with Ms. United World, Vera Morris

Get ready to be inspired by Vera Morris, the reigning Ms. United World! Residing in Cary, North Carolina, Vera is a Consultant at Yardi Systems and a Professional Model with Marilyn’s Agency and MMG. She’s an Anchor & Broadcasting IG Host for Beauty Queens Galore and the new Host & Spokesperson for Smooth Jazz at the Improv. Vera is also an Ambassador for Susan G. Komen, founder of Treasure Your Chest Inc., and the creator of the “Treasure Your Chest” blog. 

Join us as we dive into her incredible journey, exploring the woman behind the crown with Today’s Purpose Woman 24 Questions. Prepare to be inspired by Vera Morris, a true symbol of grace, resilience, and purpose.

What is one word that best describes you? 


How has winning the Miss North Carolina USA 1998 pageant impacted your life?

It had been a lifelong dream of mine to be crowned Miss North Carolina USA in 1998. The opportunity to compete at Miss USA 1998 and win Miss Congeniality were experiences that I will always cherish. Through this journey, I gained self-confidence and public speaking skills, and I realized how much a crown and sash can impact little girls. I wanted young girls to know they could achieve anything with faith, hard work, and determination.

You are also the reigning Ms.United World 2023. Congratulations! How has this influenced your career and advocacy work?

I used my crown as a megaphone to raise awareness about breast health and other community causes that mattered to me. This journey positively impacted my career and gave me many opportunities. As a Christian, using my gifts and talents to help others is important to me.

I hear you’re an Ambassador for Susan G. Komen. What’s one of your most memorable moments as a breast cancer awareness ambassador?

I once met an incredible woman named Carol at the Susan G Komen Race in Wilmington, NC. Despite living with metastatic breast cancer, she had an infectious, positive spirit and tenacity. We bonded instantly, but unfortunately, she passed away nine months later. In the short time I knew her, Carol taught me the importance of living life to the fullest. She was truly a blessing to me.

How do you stay focused and avoid distraction?

Knowing what my purpose in life is makes it easy to stay focused and avoid distractions.

What’s a time when your faith gave you hope during a tough time?

During my battle with depression, I never gave up and had faith that God would see me through. Eventually, I emerged stronger.

How do you prioritize God above all else? 

I prioritize my time with God by reading devotions, meditating, and praying every morning.

How do you practice gratitude daily?

Life is short, so I wake up grateful and pursue my dreams.

How do you practice humility and surrender in your relationship with God? 

Let go, and trust in God’s timing.

How do you deal with doubt or uncertainty?

I pray and talk with my parents and others who can uplift me.

What is your favorite way to share your faith with others? 

My life is driven by faith, and I share it by living to the fullest.

What’s your favorite Bible verse for strength and inspiration? Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”

Which biblical woman do you relate to the most and why?

Hannah. Much like her, I believe in being patient and in the power of prayer. Everything happens for a reason and in God’s time. You have to keep the faith!

Who is one of your favorite Christian authors?

Joyce Meyer. Her teachings and books have helped me get through the most challenging times.

What’s a life lesson you’ve learned?

Live life with no regrets and no fears. Life is about the journey and not the destination.

How do you handle criticism or judgment from others? 

I appreciate positive criticism because it can help me learn and grow. Negativity from others doesn’t phase me, and I don’t take it personally. 

How do you overcome fear and take bold action to pursue your purpose? 

Pray and trust in God. 

How do you find a balance between taking care of others and taking care of yourself?

 I had to learn the hard way to find my balance. I became so burned out at the end of last year. I knew that I couldn’t help others without taking care of myself. I’ve learned to say Yes to myself more this year.

How do you stay authentic to yourself as a Christian woman?

Self-Acceptance. It’s about learning to accept the things you can’t change and the things you can. Faith and hope is the key to that.

What does modesty mean to you in terms of fashion choices? 

For me, modesty in fashion means wearing clothes that flatter your body type and personality and make you feel confident.

What is one of your favorite retreats or conferences for women?

My dear friend Jamilla Robertson-Johnson’s Sister Lets Give ’em Something to Talk About Women’s Conference always leaves me feeling empowered and joyful.

What’s one of your favorite worship songs?

“We Fall Down” by Donnie McClurkin.

What is currently on your heart to share with women? 

Give yourself grace. That can be difficult at times because we wear many hats and have many expectations and responsibilities. Please realize we can’t do it all and know it’s okay. Be sure to take care of yourself as you care for others.

What legacy do you hope to leave behind?

Never give up; keep the faith – that’s how I want to be remembered.

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