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24 Questions with Mrs. South Carolina America, Bethany Thomas

24 Questions with Mrs. South Carolina America, Bethany Thomas

Bethany Thomas is the reigning Mrs. South Carolina America! She is a true inspiration and a force to be reckoned with. Originally from Georgia, she made the Carolinas her home, along with her loving husband, whom she met in college at Georgia Southern University. Together, they have two beautiful children who are the inspiration behind her creation of the virtual support group Voice of the Carolinas. Bethany is also a proud owner of a yellow Lab named Mack, her constant companion and furry best friend.

Aside from being a devoted mother and wife, Bethany is also passionate about health, fitness, and wellness. Whether cheering on the Georgia Bulldogs or pursuing her fitness goals, she always stays active and motivated. 

The Mrs. South Carolina America answers Today’s Purpose Woman’s 24 Questions! 

What is the name of your business or ministry?

I am a woman in the construction industry and the reigning Mrs. South Carolina America! My virtual support group, Voice of the Carolinas, ministers to women battling infertility, pregnancy or adoption loss, and those serving as foster mothers. As a fitness trainer, I also uplift and encourage women.

How do you use your work or platform to uplift and motivate others?

My platform is Voice of the Carolinas. As a mother who endured the pain of infertility and walked the journey of adoption, I want to share my story to encourage other women walking through their family-building journey.

What’s one word that best describes you?


How do you stay focused and avoid distraction?

Prayer and exercise. These are a must for my mental health.

What legacy do you hope to leave behind?

God funds what he favors; all we must do is put our ‘yes’ on the table and let Him do the rest. With God, all things are possible.

How do you prioritize God above all else? 

I get up early. Really early! I pray and read my Bible before the chaos of the day begins.

How do you practice gratitude daily?

I practice being present where my feet are. I work towards being in the moment and finding gratitude for all things, but especially the little, priceless moments in the day-to-day hustle.

How do you practice humility and surrender in your relationship with God?

I acknowledge that He knows best. Things may not always go the way I planned, but my faith has deepened through years of learning that God has plans to prosper me and not harm me, to give me hope and a future.

How do you deal with doubt or uncertainty?

I take a prayer walk. Walking is one of the best things for mental health. Pair that with a real and honest conversation with the Lord, and I always feel refreshed and renewed.

What is your favorite way to share your faith with others?

I love to tell my family-building story – it is quite miraculous!

What’s your favorite Bible verse for strength and inspiration? 

You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. -John 14:13

Which biblical woman do you relate to the most and why?

Sarah, Rebekah, and Rachel – they all experienced waiting and praying for the Lord to bless them with a baby.

What is one of your favorite Christian authors?

Priscilla Shirer

What’s a life lesson you’ve learned?

Always be kind. You never know what someone is going through.

How do you handle criticism or judgment from others?

I revert back to my knowledge that God created me in His image, on purpose, for a purpose. No weapon formed can prosper against me, even harsh words.

How do you overcome fear and take bold action to pursue your purpose? 

I work daily not to worry about what other people think or say about me and continue pursuing what God has called me to do.

How do you find a balance between taking care of others and taking care of yourself?

I prioritize exercise and a healthy diet. Not only can I care for my family more efficiently when I am healthy, but I am teaching my children how to lead a healthy lifestyle.

How do you stay authentic to yourself as a Christian woman?

I have never been more confident in who I am and who God created me to be. This comes from going through the pit and reaching the other side. He uses the valley to make the view from the mountaintop that much sweeter.

What does modesty mean to you in terms of fashion choices?

I make fashion choices that I am confident about wearing in front of my children – after all, I am their example!

What is one of your favorite retreats or conferences for women?

I recently attended a spiritual yoga class. It was such a renewing and empowering experience, the ultimate mind-body-soul connection.

What is your current favorite song?

There are so many, but my favorites are Jireh and Believe For It.

What is your favorite way to express your creativity in worship?

Singing loud and jamming out with my kids as we get ready for the day at 6:00 AM. Dancing in the kitchen and using utensils as a microphone are always a hit!

What’s a time when your faith gave you hope during a tough time?

When my husband and I went through years of trying to start a family, my faith in the Lord and my incredible husband were the two forces that carried me through my infertility battle.

What is currently on your heart to share with women? 

Carve out time to sit with God, read scripture, and get to know Him deeper. It will impact every aspect of your life and bring clarity to what He put you on this Earth to do.

Bethany, Thank you for officially completing Today’s Purpose Woman’s 24 Questions.

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