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Are You Standing in Your Own Way? Steps to Stop Self-Sabotaging Your Life

Are You Standing in Your Own Way? Steps to Stop Self-Sabotaging Your Life

In this world, there are two kinds of people. Those who live purposefully and those who sabotage their own lives. Unfortunately, the bulk are among those that sabotage their achievement. Many individuals would rather be comfortable and suffer than be happy and put themselves out there.

But why is that?

Fear of failure: Some people sabotage their own efforts because they dread failure and the embarrassment they feel it may bring.

Fear of Success: Others sabotage every new opportunity that comes their way because they are afraid of the adjustments and responsibilities that come with success.

It’s human nature to remain in our comfort zones, even when we’re struggling. We place a higher value on our security and relationships than on what we can do for the Kingdom of God. If we are being honest, self-sabotage is the result of pride, and God hates pride. It is critical to put God above self by being obedient, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. We should exalt God rather than ourselves.

Until you begin living out your purpose, you will never know the wonderful things that God has in store for you.

The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out. 

Proverbs 20:5 (NIV)

So, use the steps outlined in this article as a guide to help you stop self-sabotaging.

Identify the Root Cause

First, we must pinpoint the source of self-sabotage. Because people sabotage themselves for a variety of reasons, you must first understand why you sabotage yourself in order to properly address the issue. Make a list of the things that are prompting you to be hesitant. Be honest with yourself. Give your list to God and ask him to help you deal with your concerns.

Stop Trying To Fit In

You were not created to blend in; you were created to stand out. To overcome self-sabotage, you must quit trying to fit in. Be the person God intends for you to be. People could immediately perceive that Jesus was different from the teachers of the law because he stood out so much from the rest of the crowd. Jesus did what pleased God, not what was popular. Instead of striving to fit in, be like Jesus and accomplish what your heavenly Father desires. Everyone will not love you, and this is something you must accept.

Trust God with your Life

We sometimes worry that God’s benefits are only momentary, that God will take them away or that the enemy would steal them for us. As a result, we don’t pursue our aspirations, and we hoard our money rather than live by faith.

Yes, you will fail at times, and the adversary is constantly attempting to steal our benefits, but God is with you, therefore you will succeed. Stop thinking about what can go wrong and start thinking about what Jesus can do. Nothing is impossible with Him on your side.

Here’s to living your life with a sense of purpose!

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