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Vivian Phillips, the Queen of Destiny, is on a Mission to Help Others Discover Their Spiritual Purpose

Vivian Phillips, the Queen of Destiny, is on a Mission to Help Others Discover Their Spiritual Purpose

Many Christians often find themselves sitting in church every Sunday, listening to sermons and singing songs, but not really understanding their spiritual purpose. Vivian Phillips, also known as the Queen of Destiny and America’s top Spiritual Real Estate Broker, is on a mission to awaken dormant Christians sitting in the pews. As the CEO and Founder of People Empowered Worldwide (PEW) LLC, she helps people discover their spiritual purpose and inspires them to pursue it with great determination. Her dedication, obedience to God’s will, and unshakeable faith significantly impact people’s lives and spark a revival among believers.

She shares, “After my baby sister passed away without fulfilling her purpose, I was determined to help others discover and walk in their purpose.” Her faith relationship with God serves as the foundation for all she does, and she is motivated by love to serve His people and utilize every gift and talent He has equipped her with.

Reflecting on her own life, Phillips shares a transformative experience that shaped her radical obedience to God’s Word. She says, “After my confession of faith, I was hired to work at an AIDS organization with the intention of correcting the homosexual lifestyle. I was fired up and ready to be God’s plumb line of truth. However, a few days before starting, I heard the Lord say, ‘You are being sent there to love them to the cross, not judge them.’ His words stopped me in my tracks and instantly regulated what was ungodly in me.”

Despite her initial confusion, Phillips chose to obey God’s command. She explains, “Scripture says, ‘It is through love and kindness have I drawn thee.’ As I began working, it became clear that many of the clients were from Christian homes where their behavior was met with judgment, condemnation, and exile, rather than love. This humbled me because I had intended to be just like the people they called family. I was forever changed.”

Under her brand, People Empowered Worldwide LLC, Phillips offers a range of unique resources to activate individuals seeking more from their religious convictions. Through advocacy for black children and their parents in the child welfare systems across American, individual consulting, online Purpose Activation Seminars, Purpose Pop-Ups, PEWniversity™, and the Pay-It-Forward PEW Quit Clinic, she helps people identify and remove spiritual and natural barriers to their destiny.

The PEW Quit Clinic is an online platform she created to help people overcome addictions and smoking-related illnesses that hinder their destiny. Through faith-based strategies, she incorporates faith into the quitting process and offers support and guidance to those seeking to break free. “For over 24 years, I was addicted to nicotine, couldn’t quit, and nothing I tried worked,” Phillips says. “Then, one day, after a sermon at church that convicted me about smoking, I called my 80-year-old Aunt Oclean (RIP), who prayed for me. The next day I heard God speak 10 words, and I never smoked a cigarette again. It has now been over 20 years. The Pew Quit Clinic does for others what my Aunt did for me. 

Phillips also shares her love and passion for Africa and her mission there. She explains how God gave her His heart for Africa. “My obedience to God became the pathway to my passion for Mother Africa. I never wanted to go to Africa, but God knew it was His destiny  for me.” Phillips was terrified and didn’t know what to expect because she had never been overseas, and she didn’t know anything about the people, “our people,” she says.

In 1993, Phillips took her first trip to Africa, which included visits to Morocco, Senegal (the proposed location of Akon Smart City), and Gabon. She traveled with over 600 mostly Black people on two DC10s, including prominent figures like Jesse Jackson, Coretta Scott King, Denzel Washington, Ozzie Davis & Ruby Dee, Cicely Tyson, Dick Gregory, and The Honorable Louis Farrakhan. This trip was part of the African/African American Summit, organized by the late Dr. Leon Sullivan, Founder of the Organizational Industrialization Center (OIC). Her experience during this trip sparked her desire to return to Africa.

“When I did return, I came back saved, sanctified, filled with the Holy Ghost & fire, as a Marketplace Missionary, ready to be the hands and feet of God. Eventually, I took several trips to Uganda and Kenya, recruited and trained teams to go with me, helped to build schools and churches, trained ministry leaders, preached, did healing services, and raised funds for various projects.”

Phillips shares that when George Floyd was killed in 2020, she felt God activate the seed He planted in her years earlier on African soil. “The anointing He gave me for the continent creates an unquenchable thirst to return to Africa, her most precious possession, her people, those who want to go. Together with the intellectual wisdom and resources of the Diaspora, we can restore Africa, together, to what God intended before she was invaded, pillaged, and controlled by un-melanated abusers who are still ruling and reigning today, often through our own people.” In her next book “Black Gold” coming 2024, Phillips shares the dynamic process of transformation through missions to Africa she experienced causing her to mature in her faith. .

Phillips’ goal is to fulfill her spiritual assignment, and helping to restore Africa is only one part of it. “As a Healer, Deliverance Minister, and Muscle Testing Practitioner, I combine these modalities to help God’s people overcome the residue of slavery, as well as emotional, spiritual, and physical obstacles to their purpose,  walking in power, and accelerated progress. When this is combined with my prophetic insight and spiritual wisdom, the results for my clients are profoundly impactful, life-changing and  miraculous!”

Phillips shares these final words with readers: “If you need help identifying your purpose, dealing with obstacles/barriers to your purpose or progress, or you’re interested in joining me as I fulfill God’s plan in Africa, please visit my website at”

FB: Vivian Phillips | Instagram: ms_vivianphillips | TikTok: msvivianphillips

This story appears in the Women Who Walk in Purpose and Power issue of TODAY’S PURPOSE WOMAN.

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