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Unleashing Your Brilliance and Achieving Greatness with Dr. Nicole Roberts Jones

Unleashing Your Brilliance and Achieving Greatness with Dr. Nicole Roberts Jones

Dr. Nicole Roberts Jones is a talented individual who excels in bringing out the best in people and helping them achieve greatness. With a background in the entertainment industry, Dr. Nicole worked in Talent Management and Casting before transitioning to helping women create profitable businesses. She also works with professionals in various industries, helping them establish themselves as experts in their fields.

When asked to describe herself in two words, Dr. Nicole confidently states that she is obedient and diligent. Regardless of the circumstances, her unwavering commitment is to remain true to the person that God has created her to be. She strives to let her light shine brighter than ever, as inspired by the biblical verse Matthew 5:16.

Dr. Nicole’s journey toward becoming the remarkable woman she is today was shaped by a significant life experience. “Growing up South Central LA, I sought solace in television shows and movies, particularly finding inspiration in A Different World,” she says. This exposure to a world beyond the chaos instilled in her a childhood dream – to work in the entertainment industry. With a degree in TV & Film, Dr. Nicole successfully turned her dream into reality during the 90s, working for renowned TV & Film networks such as Viacom and in Casting for the number TV show on the Fox Network. However, despite the glamorous aspects of her career, she felt a void deep within. “It was during this time that I heard a whisper from God, telling me He had something bigger for me to do.” Through volunteering at her church’s youth program, Dr. Nicole discovered her gift for bringing out the best in others and helping them align their purpose with profit. Although uncertain about how to turn this talent into a sustainable career, Dr. Nicole embraced her calling and embarked on a mission to transform lives.

Recognizing the impossibility of comfort and conviction coexisting, Dr. Nicole boldly decided to follow the stirring in her soul. This newfound passion ignited a burning desire within her to share her message with the world. She soon realized that to transform her purpose into a successful business, she needed divine inspiration and practical methodology. Through this journey, Dr. Nicole learned that pursuing her purpose benefits the world and leads to valuable personal gain.

Dr. Nicole is known as the Bankroll Your Brilliance Expert. This title perfectly encapsulates her brand producer and program development expert role. Dr. Nicole’s mission is to help high performing women of faith gain clarity on their purpose and align it with the work they do.  Understanding that their profession is their pulpit! However, profit in this context extends beyond monetary gains; it encompasses personal growth and fulfillment. As a coach, speaker, and teacher, Dr. Nicole is dedicated to supporting others in their journey toward gaining for God.

Dr. Nicole’s impact on the lives of others is profound. She possesses an innate ability to recognize people’s natural gifts and guide them toward living as the highest and best version of who God created them to be. Whether it involves starting a business or finding the next best career move, Dr. Nicole empowers individuals to do work that sets their souls on fire.

Walking in purpose and power is of utmost importance to Dr. Nicole. She firmly believes that her business is her ministry and that ministry is not limited to traditional Sunday morning sermons (although she is a minister and does that too). Dr. Nicole firmly believes we all are called to ministry as we serve a group of people and utilize the gifts and talents God gave to each of us to be the answer we were born to be in the world. It took her years to realize her gift for producing and talent development, honed during her time in Hollywood, was what God was looking to expand in the fulfilment of her business as a purpose producer for her clients.

One pivotal moment in Dr. Nicole’s journey occurred 17 years into her entrepreneurial journey. This was in 2010 and from all that you could see on the outside her business looked successful however she was only generating $13,000 a year!  It was one epiphany moment that changed everything!  It was November 7, 2010, Sunday evening after arriving home from another speaking weekend and her daytime job, by the way, was as an adjunct professor at Boston University at the time. 

As she sat on the couch that evening, she found herself exhausted and unprepared for a class she was supposed to teach the next morning. Realizing that she had reached her limit, she prayed for guidance. Shortly afterward, despite the substantial cost, she attended a transformative event where she met her coach.  A coach she would have to pay $30,000 to work with.She said to God “OK Lord, I am going to risk it all to gain it all”, and did she! During her first coaching session, her coach reminded her of her expertise in program development, which inspired Dr. Nicole to create a blueprint for her business. Within six months, her revenue skyrocketed from $13,000 to over $200,000. Today, Dr. Nicole teaches and coaches high performing women of faith to achieve success in their businesses using the same blueprint she created that moved her business from broke to bankable. She is committed to being a guiding light on their paths, just as her coach was for her.

Dr. Nicole Roberts Jones is a trailblazer in the field of coaching and entrepreneurship. Her unique ability to draw out the best in others and help them align with their purpose has transformed the lives of countless individuals. Through her Brilliance Mastery Academy, Dr. Nicole coaches her clients to find their true calling and create multiple streams of revenue as they do it.

Challenges have marked Dr. Nicole’s journey, but she has consistently overcome them with determination and faith. She recognizes that walking in purpose and power requires continuous growth and expansion. Her belief in God’s ability to take her to the next level has opened doors she never imagined and allowed her to use her gifts in remarkable ways.

Dr. Nicole’s story is a testament to the power of trusting in God and the gifts and talents He has placed inside of you. She encourages others to embrace their gifts, strive for more, and serve as laborers in God’s grand plan. As she continues to inspire and transform lives, Dr. Nicole’s impact reaches far beyond business and entrepreneurship.

Dr. Nicole’s story serves as a shining example for those seeking guidance and encouragement. She has achieved incredible success by stepping out of her comfort zone, investing in herself, and remaining faithful. She encourages others to do the same, reminding them that they were born for more and that God has a purpose for them.

To learn more about Dr. Nicole Roberts Jones and her transformative work, visit her website or contact her directly. She is ready to help you bankroll your brilliance and discover the true power that lies within you. “Remember, the harvest is great, and the world needs more laborers like you. Embrace your gifts, trust in God’s guidance, and watch your life transform in ways you never thought possible.”

This story appears in the Women Who Walk in Purpose and Power issue of TODAY’S PURPOSE WOMAN.

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