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Unleashing the Prophetic Power Within: Tahkyra Terrell’s Journey of Healing, Purpose, and Miracles

Unleashing the Prophetic Power Within: Tahkyra Terrell’s Journey of Healing, Purpose, and Miracles

In’s weekly column, Empowering Voices, Inspiring Souls, we feature women who have embraced their prophetic gifts and are positively impacting their communities and beyond. This week, we had the pleasure of speaking with Tahkyra TK Terrell, a licensed professional clinical counselor and “Prophetic Inner Healing Strategist”. She uses clinical skills and biblical foundations to facilitate inner healing with the clients that God sends her way. 

Tahkyra Terrell’s journey to becoming a prophetic Christian woman is one that has been marked by trials and tribulations, personal growth, inner healing, and a deepening bond with God. Her journey began in her childhood, a time when she was plagued by dreams and visions that made her feel out of place. Her self-identity was further shaped by traumatic experiences of molestation, rape, and relational abuse. 

“When God began talking to me about who I am, I fought it for years,” Terrell recounted, painting a picture of an inner struggle that many can relate to. The turning point came after a near-death experience that resulted from a severe allergic reaction to medication. This incident led her to embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery that eventually culminated into her stepping into the prophetic office.

Terrell shares that prophecy is not just about predicting future events. It’s a calling and mantle in which God uses people to disrupt and interrupt, to build and tear down, to empower and interject His mind and heart into a specific situation. This divine revelation comes to her in various forms – visions, dreams, audible voices, songs of the Lord, and prophetic feelings.

Prayer forms the bedrock of Terrell’s prophetic ministry. Through prayer, she cultivates a deep relationship with God, discerning His voice from her thoughts. She learned this during one of the darkest periods in her life when she was hospitalized, learning to distinguish the voice of God, the voice of the enemy, and her own voice.

Terrell’s prophetic insights haven’t always been met with acceptance. There have been times when her prophetic messages have been met with skepticism and doubt. However, she remains unfazed. “It’s not up to me whether they believe or not. I don’t take it personally,” she stated with an admirable level of resilience. She attributes her mental fortitude to therapy, which helped her combat her fears, feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and trauma.

A common misconception she has encountered in her journey is the notion that those with prophetic gifts have their lives perfectly sorted out. Terrell vehemently disagrees. She is quick to point out that prophets, like any other individuals, have their vulnerabilities and struggles. They too need help and support to navigate through life’s challenges. 

In delivering her prophetic messages, Terrell strikes a delicate balance between speaking the truth and showing love, compassion, and understanding. “Truth is not harmful. It’s our perception of what is being said that hurts,” she explains, underscoring the importance of perspective and understanding.

For those seeking to develop their prophetic gifts, Terrell advises dealing with personal issues first. “To hear God, you can’t be full of unaddressed trauma, anxiety, depression, disappointments, hurts, you name it,” she advises. According to her, dealing with personal issues clears the path for better discernment and reception of God’s voice.

Terrell has managed to maintain a strong relationship with God and ensure that her prophetic messages align with His teachings through prayer, worship, and accountability. She has a trusted group of women who hold her accountable and challenge her when needed. 

Despite facing challenges and doubts in her prophetic calling, Terrell has remained committed to her ministry. She recalls a time when she wasn’t accepted in her church, a period that tested her resolve. However, with therapy, mentorship, prayer, and dealing with the wounds of rejection and hurt, she managed to stay committed to her calling.

Terrell’s ultimate vision for her prophetic ministry is to serve as a bridge, helping people achieve breakthroughs and inner healing to fulfill their vision, callings, purpose, and mandate. She uses her therapeutic skills and knowledge in the prophetic to create an impact, serving others in the marketplace through books, courses, coaching, and training.

She encourages others embarking on their prophetic journey to stay true to themselves. “God uses YOU! God called YOU! Not a mirror reflection of someone else. But a mirror reflection of Himself! He wants to see Himself through you! Be you!” she affirms, reminding us all of the power and importance of authenticity.

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