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This Woman of Faith Cultivated a Community to Help Women Christian CEO’s Build Multiple Six-Figure Global Brands

This Woman of Faith Cultivated a Community to Help Women Christian CEO’s Build Multiple Six-Figure Global Brands

Sheya L. Atterberry-Chisenga is a transformational speaker, empowerment business coach & mentor. She teaches women to create financial freedom by doing what they love and what they are called and chosen to do in the world. She is the founder of the global empowerment, Faith & Purpose Driven Brand, The Woman Christian CEO®️. 

Sheya’s mission as a coach at The Woman Christian CEO is to empower women Christian CEOs to build multiple six-figure global brands and premium empowerment coaching companies. 

Below, Today’s Purpose Woman spoke with Coach Sheya about her core values, coaching techniques, and how her services are truly what women Christian CEOs need to build multiple six-figure global brands and premium empowerment coaching companies.

What are your core values, and how do you personally live up to them?

Besides having our 5 Pillars (Prayer, Inner Work, Signature Program, Business Model, and Building Your Community/Tribe) which are foundational to what we stand on as a company (it has truly served as the “what & how” we teach our clients to build a successful business), we have a set of core values we operate by within our company. These core values include trust, honesty, and integrity. We are the Woman Christian CEO ®, and as a Christian woman myself, I feel that it is truly important that those core values be woven into our company’s very fabric. I practice them because of my faith and realizing that I must treat others how I want to be treated. The expectation I have for my clients to operate must start with me. Therefore, I am truly intentional about living this way and keeping my word and commitment to others. Besides that, as a master coach who certifies other coaches, I must model what it takes to build a successful business. Therefore, being that example for my clients by practicing these core values is a non-negotiable for me. 

What techniques do you use to push clients out of their comfort zones?

My overall coaching style is to challenge my clients’ beliefs that keep them stuck and to help them reframe their confessions about who they are. The practical part behind the methodology of teaching my clients how to build a successful company is easy – the hardest part (and I’m sure others in my industry could agree) is dealing with a client’s mindset around limited beliefs. A person can have knowledge in every area of entrepreneurship. But suppose they don’t have the capacity within their mindset to believe that they can accomplish success within their business. In that case, they end up stuck and never becoming all that God desires them to be. So I must be intentional about helping my clients recognize these areas that may limit them and challenge them to overcome these areas of their lives and business. I am also intentional about holding them accountable to the God-given vision that they have described to me. If God said it, that settles it, so accountability around their words/confession is vital.

What should your clients expect to achieve by the end of their sessions with you?

In working with my team and me, our clients receive the step-by-step blueprint for creating their signature program and coaching to clarify their ideal clients. They also have support as they build their high-end business model and strategies in marketing, sales, and client enrollment process.

What results do you usually see in your clients that have worked with you?

I have seen multiple clients moving forward in not only launching their coaching program but launching a successful one that has generated a substantial income. In that matter, they have been able to serve their ideal clients while helping them gain the desired results. So seeing the perpetual success stories continue to roll over for my clients and their clients is awesome. I’ve also seen my clients become two, three, (or even four+) times authors while earning the income they not only desire but deserve due to their hard work. 

What message do you want to relay to those you are called to serve and impact this season? 

I want them to know that we (The Woman Christian CEO ®) have cultivated and curated a community where women don’t have to sacrifice or choose between becoming profitable and struggling as a company. We created a community that is all about supporting you in building a thriving six-figure company. We want women to know that they do not have to compromise their faith as a believer. You absolutely don’t have to do that to be successful. We are living witnesses and examples that it CAN be done. We have the methodologies locked down because we have vetted our processes over the past 12 years. While it has been vetted, it has also been proven because our clients consistently get results. With all that said, at the Woman Christian CEO ®, we truly have what they need and are looking for.

Is there anything else you would like to share?

I want to share something that entrepreneurs don’t often talk about. The other day, I had an opportunity to binge-watch the behind-the-scenes of the last season of Oprah Winfrey’s 25-year-running talk show. Here’s the secret sauce behind her success: the Oprah Winfrey Show was #1 for 25 years because of her TEAM. 

I have often said this – you will not go past your team. That is a guarantee. As we move into the new year, new season, and new levels, I want to ask you – who is on your team? That includes your business, personal, and your spiritual journey. Do they have the capacity to support, encourage, and help you navigate through this journey?

I have observed that most entrepreneurs have not connected their businesses to a deeper level, so they stay in the space of hustling for the next dollar. Trust me, I get it. But as a “purpose-driven entrepreneur,” you must create a high-level experience. This way, you can work with people who can invest at the level and the value you bring, so you’re not hustling for the next dollar. And guess what? Your team will tell you that.

How can potential clients learn more about your services or contact you?

To learn about our programs, visit our website at and join us for our next upcoming workshop: Purpose Profit Impact LIVE: the Strategy Workshop. 

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