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The Caregiver Coach Changing Lives Nationwide: Pat Bailey

The Caregiver Coach Changing Lives Nationwide: Pat Bailey

Pat Bailey stands as a beacon of hope, compassion, and transformation in a world that often rushes past the most vulnerable among us. She is not just a caregiver but a Caregiver Coach, an advocate for Alzheimer’s awareness, and a dedicated founder. Her life’s mission is to inspire others and profoundly impact caregiving, Alzheimer’s, and aging. 

Through her two interconnected enterprises, “Finding New Tomorrows” and “PBAILEY Enterprises,” Pat has embarked on an extraordinary journey that is changing lives nationwide. In Pat’s own words, her journey is a testament to a higher purpose. She draws inspiration from Jeremiah 1:5 NIV, a powerful verse that underscores her divine calling.“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” 

Pat’s journey began with the simple act of spending lunchtime with the elderly in her Chicago neighborhood. She then ventured into entrepreneurship, co-owning beauty supply stores and salons. Her corporate career in the hair care industry taught her invaluable skills in marketing and sales. As a teenager and later a young mother, she became a caregiver for her father and later her mother. Her personal experiences as a caregiver for her mother, who had Alzheimer’s, were pivotal in her journey. 

”During my tenure with Pro-line, I lived with an unplanned secret as a caregiver for my mother. Where I, along with an amazing team in marketing, helped develop breakthrough products while simultaneously I was developing aging well solutions for a mother with Alzheimer’s.” While juggling her corporate career and caregiving responsibilities, Pat discovered the urgent need for solutions in the caregiving space. Her mother’s care alone cost her $100,000 over seven years due to Alzheimer’s.

Pat’s extensive background in sales and marketing in the hair care industry became the foundation for her approach to caregiving. She believes her life’s journey was carefully orchestrated to prepare her for the work she is doing today.“If we acknowledge our blessings in life, we get to recognize God’s hand over our destiny. God literally set me up in hair care to help mirror that process in caregiving Alzheimer’s and aging.” Her expertise in creating advertising campaigns, experiential events, sales strategies, and outreach marketing proved invaluable when transitioning to the caregiving and aging sector.

Pat is deeply committed to social justice and equity in caregiving, which is at the core of her non-profit, “Finding New Tomorrows.” This organization is dedicated to improving the lives of caregivers and the elderly, particularly focusing on health disparity groups. “With emphasis on health disparity groups, programs will address funding and advocating with decision makers, corporately and public officials, on program improvements that benefit the lives of caregivers and the loved ones they serve.” 

Pat’s marketing agency, “PBAILEY Enterprises,” took on a significant role in the Health and Aging Brain Study-Health Disparities. Their mission was to secure the involvement of Blacks/African Americans in the study. They employed a multifaceted approach, combining consumer package goods marketing strategies with experiential marketing. “Our talks, PSA’s, and presentations cover the prevalence of Alzheimer’s, understanding its condition, and the associated caregiver support available.” 

Having worked with both small businesses and Fortune 100 companies, Pat’s experiences inform her approach to caregiving and aging services. Regardless of the client, her commitment to serving the community remains unwavering. “Whether we navigate relationships with small up-and-coming business titans or the Fortune 100, our mantra to serve the heart of the community remains the same.” 

Pat is unflinching in addressing the challenges facing caregivers, the elderly, and their families. She emphasizes the biblical and moral obligation to care for the elderly. “The number one challenge in the aging well space is reacquainting ministries, corporations, and families that we are biblically and lawfully mandated by God to care for the elderly.”  Her initiatives, like the Annual Caregiver Grant Tax Rebate, National Caregiver Day of Prayer, and Gen Z Social Security Bridge, are aimed at addressing these challenges.

In her media appearances, Pat conveys essential messages about caregiving, Alzheimer’s, and aging. She calls attention to the importance of caregiving support and preparation. “Caregiving is as explicit as creation itself. You are either going to be a caregiver or you are going to be cared for.” 

Pat’s concept of “cradle to grace” community accountability encourages collective responsibility for aging individuals. She envisions a world where communities recognize the divine essence in both the young and the elderly, working together to create better aging well programs. “Caring for the elderly will remain a necessity because that process represents caring for creation itself.” 

As a divinity student and a recently ordained minister, Pat’s faith and Biblical history study profoundly influence her caregiving approach. She sees herself as a pastor in the realm of caregiving and aging, with caregivers as her flock. “My faith has helped me to live out and position Christian leadership in the marketplace from a lane of accountability. I knowingly have a vision where I see a world where God’s family of caregivers, who are lost, are redeemed with hope and gladness in the Lord.” 

In a world where caregiving, Alzheimer’s, and aging are often neglected, Pat Bailey is a tireless advocate and beacon of change. Her journey is a testament to the power of faith, compassion, and a divine calling to care.

Readers can connect with Pat Bailey through Facebook and Instagram, using the handles @Finding New Tomorrows and @Caregiver Coach PAT Bailey.

This story appears in the Women Who Walk in Purpose and Power issue of TODAY’S PURPOSE WOMAN.

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