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Sherry Bronson’s New Book, The Business of Live Streaming, is a Game Changer for Professionals and Churches

Sherry Bronson’s New Book, The Business of Live Streaming, is a Game Changer for Professionals and Churches

Sherry Bronson, the founder of Bronson Media, enjoys helping women share their stories with the world. She has interviewed many women with powerful testimonies of overcoming adversity, healing, and salvation. Through the lens of Sherry’s humble beginnings, escaping an impoverished upbringing, she can relate to each of their stories. 

“Through divine destiny, I was raised in the home of a single mother of twelve children, dysfunctional home life, absentee father, struggled with rejection, poor self-image, and low self-esteem,” she says. “The unstable environment greatly increased my chances of becoming a high school dropout or another at-risk teen statistic. As a young teen girl, I reflected on my life and witnessed much family heartache, generational poverty, and domestic abuse. I was confronted with the hard-core reality that I had to take control of my destiny.” 

To take control of her destiny, Sherry placed a stamp of rejection on poverty and generational dysfunction. She knew that going to college was one of the keys to success. “I went onto college to be the first of my mother’s children to receive a bachelor’s degree. My life is a true testament that the power of faith, courage, perseverance and hard work really do pay off.” Through television, speaking, teaching, and writing, Sherry empowers individuals to draw from their God-given power to realize their dreams. 

As a TV Host and producer for the past 17 years, Sherry understands the importance of reaching the masses and continually expanding your reach. Since the pandemic, video and live streaming have become essential to most businesses and ministries. “Many small businesses had to pivot to include an online option for their customers. Small businesses, solopreneurs, and ministries must incorporate live video streaming as a part of their marketing strategy to engage with their customers and potential customers.” Having experience with the power of video and live streaming, Sherry compiled her experiences into her new book, The Business of Live Streaming.

The Business of Live Streaming is a guide to help small businesses, houses of worship, communicators, consultants, and other professionals to start live streaming. Key takeaways from the book:

10 creative ways to re-purpose videos

How to monetize your content 

Live Streaming ideas

“The new digital era is challenging us to conquer our fears, forgive our flaws, and then find our voice to engage directly with our audience.”While there are many positives regarding using digital tools, we cannot overlook that there can be a hindrance if not used properly. “Business growth in this digital age can be hindered if live video streaming is identified as a nuisance rather than a useful digital tool to promote our products & services.”

Sherry has received great reviews. One reader expresses:

“Brilliantly Written!!!! A must-have for Creators, Influencers and Innovators seeking tools on how to gain and generate movement and exposure. “The Business of Live Streaming” not only highlights the benefits of expanding your digital presence and reach, but spotlights show to successfully create a platform for your brand! A much-needed compass to success in the digital world we live in today!” 

Purchase at and connect with Sherry at or

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