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Sheniqua Johnson RN, Wellness Strategist and CEO of A Better U, LLC

Sheniqua Johnson RN, Wellness Strategist and CEO of A Better U, LLC

Sheniqua Johnson RN is an international inspirational speaker, best-selling author, wellness strategist, CEO of A Better U, LLC, and Stronger Through Faith Media. As a registered nurse for over 20 years, Sheniqua stretched her skill sets to become the owner of A Better U, LLC, where she facilitates busy women in reconnecting with themselves mentally, physically, and spiritually so that they can continue to serve the world 100% without subtracting anything from themselves. Sheniqua is also an educator and has served as a college professor. She used those skills and her love for teaching to create A Better U Academy, an online wellness academy that offers courses to support your mental & physical wellness. 

As Sheniqua puts it, her call to the marketplace was purely divine. “It was nothing that I desired growing up. All I knew was that I wanted to help people but in a non-traditional way. I remembered volunteering many years ago when I was 15 or 16 years old.” Sheniqua was a student CNA (certified nurse’s assistant) at that time and trained at a nursing home. She recalls an older woman had stopped eating and communicating since residing in the facility. “The staff had begun to lose hope in her ability to get well. I was assigned to her, and I did what I normally would do with anyone in need. I started chatting with her about anything while combing her hair.”

While chatting and combing her client’s hair, Sheniqua noticed that she hadn’t touched her meals. “I had received a report that she was in jeopardy of getting a feeding tube because she was very malnourished and was starting to lose weight. There were cans of Ensure (nutritional supplements) piling up in her room since she no longer had the desire to eat or drink. Just simply being me, chatting and brushing her hair, I opened up a can of Ensure, put a straw in it, and casually offered it to her to drink. We went on with our conversation. I’ll admit, I was doing all the talking, but my client actively listened and took in everything I was giving, including the Ensure.”

The doctors and nurses started to gather at the door in amazement. They asked how Sheniqua had gotten this deteriorating older woman to take in the supplement many had tried to give her. “At the time, I didn’t realize it, but that was the gift that God had bestowed upon me to help those who have a silent need that many often don’t understand or have the capacity to help. That day shaped the trajectory of my practice and ushered me to use my gift in the marketplace,” she says.

Psalms 121:1 KJV: “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.” 

How do you view your work as a vocation—a call from and a duty to God?

What I do is definitely a calling from God because, honestly, I wouldn’t have volunteered for this. Don’t get me wrong. I love what I do. I give all the honor to God for what He has allowed me to do, but truth be told, if it were up to me, I would probably still be working in the hospital as a bedside nurse. Why? Because that was what I was taught to do as a child; go to school and get a good job. No one ever told me or showed me the beauty of being in business and doing what your heart loves to do. Helping comes naturally for me. I am glad that I finally learned the best lesson (from the best teacher): to trust and honor the will of God for my life.

How does A Better U, LLC impact the lives of others?

Proverbs 18:21 reminds us that the power of life and death lies in the tongue. We all have been given great authority to speak life or death. I choose to speak life. My choosing to speak life brings life to those who hear me speak. I honor the words I speak and let them mimic the words in my heart. From there, I have my first set of tools to carry out the work God has ordained me to. Speaking encouragement, support, love, and power are the foundations of my businesses and books. I help to strengthen the hearts and minds of busy boss women, women who productively take care of their families, careers, households, and businesses, often with limited resources. Women who are secure in what they bring to the table can also admit that their cups can use a little refilling. That’s what I do. I refill cups (with my overflow, of course). I speak fire back into women who are often running on fumes. I speak resilience back to women who feel like giving up. I speak restoration to women who simply need a new game plan to win.

What message do you want to relay to those you are called to serve this season? 

Open your eyes! Look up and listen. God is your source, and he will send your resources. What has He called you to do? Never mind why you haven’t done it. When will you do it? This season is the perfect time to look and listen again. The next season is not promised to any of us. Hence, the time is now to boss up and do what God has called you to do. Many people allow their lack of knowledge to hinder them from moving forward, but I am here to encourage you that you have exactly what you need to start where you are. That help/assistance that you desire—look up! God has already sent the resource, but you are allowing other people and things to steal its priority. It is time to take care of business, and by business, I mean the business of YOU! I am available to share more about my wellness transformation services and my activation and accountability community for busy boss women in business. 

Is there anything else you would like to share as a Woman of Faith founder called to the marketplace?

In addition to being a busy boss woman in business, I am the talk show host of The Heart of the Matter with Sheniqua Johnson RN, where my guest and I have heart-to-heart conversations on healing and wholeness for your mental health. Tune into the conversation on the Believe In Your Dreams Television Network streaming to over 200 million homes around the world on RokuTV, Amazon FireTV, AppleTV, and most smart TVs and smartphones.

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