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She Went From Being Lost and Bound by Past Pain to Helping Faith-Based Women Unlock Personal Limitations

She Went From Being Lost and Bound by Past Pain to Helping Faith-Based Women Unlock Personal Limitations

Contessa Drayton is a devout Christian, a devoted wife and mother, and a native of Charleston, South Carolina. She is a speaker, self-published author and Certified Coach focusing on Purpose and Mindset. Passionate about people’s emotional and spiritual well-being, Contessa aims to help Faith-Based Women of Color in the areas of Individual Purpose Discovery and Positive Mindset through her coaching service. Her services are designed to assist customers in unlocking and propelling them into their distinct missions and Kingdom Assignments in the Marketplace.

Contessa’s faith serves as a Guidepost and Navigation System to everything she’s assigned and called to. Her ultimate goal is to reconnect women back to Jesus. “I am charged to keep them accountable towards their purpose goals as they rediscover at the core who they are. God desire’s for his children to represent Him from a pure and refined place. We will never be perfect, but we are called to be effective while positively impacting the Kingdom of God,” she says.

What is one issue or concern you feel needs to be discussed, and what can you provide as part of the solution?

One issue that needs to be addressed is that many women haven’t unpacked their inherited negative belief systems and feel stuck in a holding pattern from their past. The impact has prevented women from fully showing up in their personal life, the marketplace, relationships, etc. I was once that woman, and I’m in the position to champion women through Godly counsel and mental strategy to help propel them into their purpose and destiny.

What life lesson did you learn the hard way? 

A life lesson I had to learn the hard way was that everyone will not understand or agree with my God assignment, which is ok.  God will often test us to see if we choose to live for man or Him. As you can see, I chose God and Me. The best decision one can ever make!

Tell us about one life experience you felt significantly shaped you into who you are today.

Once lost and bound by my past pain and unhealed wounds, I was delivered and set free in the Summer of 2019. I am aware that my healing and life calling is not just for me alone but to point others to freedom in Jesus Christ and demonstrate what’s possible for other women. 

Fear, shame, and regret have paralyzed many from embracing their life purpose. What advice would you give to help someone overcome this obstacle? 

Fear, shame, and condemnation are real hindrances. For many years, they held me back from doing the internal work necessary to push through to the other side of freedom. I remember Holy Spirit speaking to me before my commitment to healing from my past. He said that if I did not surrender my past once and for all, my life would be cut short. I chose to partner with the Lord; the rest has been history. My advice would be for my precious sister to know that God can handle everything about your life in its totality and He loves you. Simply trust and allow Him in. He is the only one who can mend every broken piece back together again better than you can ever imagine. Your latter days shall be better than your former.

Is there anything else compelling you would like to share?

God has a special purpose and a plan for your life. You have permission to discover who God created you to be and pursue His best for your life. I declare you will do mighty exploits for the Kingdom of Almighty God.

This article appears in the Purpose & Power 2023 issue of TODAY’S PURPOSE WOMAN.

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