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She Went From an Uber Driver to Serving and Leading Women to a Life of Wholeness and Security in Who They Are Unapologetically

She Went From an Uber Driver to Serving and Leading Women to a Life of Wholeness and Security in Who They Are Unapologetically

In 2020 Janelle S. Duff decided to take back control of her life. Previously, she worked as an Uber driver for several years, which cost her a lot of time away from her family and friends, including her son. Her lack of time with her son made her realize she could not live that way forever. Janelle began to do the work to become a better version of herself. “Every negative thing I’ve ever experienced had prepared me for this moment,” she says. This revelation led Janelle to get her life coaching certification and start her own coaching business.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” -Joshua 1:9

A Certified Christian Life and Women’s Empowerment Coach, Janelle launched Know Your Worth Christian Coaching, LLC, to help Christian women turn their breakups into breakthroughs. Using practical strategies and biblical principles, Janelle helps kingdom women release self-limiting beliefs, heal from past wounds, become more aware of their true identity in Christ, and gain the necessary clarity to begin living a healed, transformed, and purposeful life.

Janelle considers her work to be a ministry. She shares that it is a duty and call from God because, in 2014, she prayed and asked God to reveal her purpose to her and God dropped the words “Women Empowerment” into her spirit. She also saw a vision of herself speaking to a crowd of women. “This is how I know I’m called to impact and transform the lives of many women ready to receive their breakthrough,” she says.

During this season, Janelle wants the women she is called to serve and impact to know they have been down too long. “The time is now for you to get up and reclaim your life. God is waiting for you to use the power and authority He has already given you to operate in your gifts boldly, courageously, and confidently,” she says. “It’s your season to go from breakup to breakthrough, so you can start living on purpose because you are more than worth it!”

Janelle is passionate about everything she does as a Christian business owner. God has placed on her heart the responsibility to serve and lead women to a life of wholeness and security in who they are unapologetically. “When I decided to let go and let God, He completely blew my mind. I could have never imagined the doors that would open for me because I was obedient to God’s call. I don’t know everything God has in store for me, but I know it will be BIG,” Janelle says.

Stay connected with Janelle at Janelle S. Duff on Facebook and LinkedIn and @iamjanellesduff on Instagram. Head over to her website, to work with her and for future updates.

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