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She Founded One of the First Faith-Based Mentoring Programs in Her County for Young Black Girls

She Founded One of the First Faith-Based Mentoring Programs in Her County for Young Black Girls

Known as “The Girls Guru”, Dr. Ciara Bostick, the founder of God’s Gift Inc, a leadership-oriented organization focused on helping teenage and younger girls who are growing up with challenges — including issues of gender, race, ethnicity, or low socioeconomic status, grew up in one of the toughest and poorest areas of Broward County.

Because Dr. Ciara herself was once like the girls in her program, she understands how important it is to create a safe place where girls can find their tribe. Having been in their shoes, Dr. Ciara wants to help young girls realize they can achieve their dreams—something she didn’t have as a young girl. “I didn’t have a Black woman mentoring me and showing me how to do different things to help me in life.” Despite this, Dr. Ciara managed to forge a bright future for herself.

In 2008, Dr. Ciara graduated from Florida Atlantic University and moved to Nova Southeastern University to pursue her Master’s in Organizational Leadership. “With this focus, I knew I wanted to create something bigger that would make a difference within the community here in South Florida,” she says. That same year, Dr. Ciara created God’s Gift, Inc. as a youth leadership organization. She also began volunteering with Broward County Parks and Recreation to create after-school programs, summer camps, and other programs for at-risk youths in South Florida. In addition, Dr. Ciara received her doctorate from Nova Southeastern University while changing and expanding her program.

Dr. Ciara proudly shares that God’s Gift, Inc is one of the first faith-based mentoring programs in the county for young Black girls. The faith-based nonprofit organization offers resources to encourage the character development of girls of color. “Through interactive and educational resources such as mentorship programs, career, and college preparation, and after-school programs, God’s Gift, Inc. has helped thousands of girls achieve their goals to create a brighter future,” Dr. Ciara says.

Founded in Fort Lauderdale, the organization has chapters in Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya. Uganda was the first international chapter established. A shipment of feminine hygiene products is sent to Uganda every quarter. Dr. Ciara also developed a life skills curriculum they use for the girls and women as a part of the “Best of Me” ministry. “These women/girls also partake in cosmetology and fashion courses, in which some pieces are shipped to us and sold as a fundraiser for the Chapter.”

Dr. Ciara tells me that the girls in their program motivate her to show up every day. “Knowing the difference that we are making in their lives makes it all worthwhile,” she says. “Being able to create something entirely female-focused and faith-based while keeping my values close constantly pushes me to go further and achieve things that never seemed possible.”

Among the many examples of the program’s impact is a 18-year-old named Trinity. She has been involved with God’s Gift, Inc. for about two years after discovering the organization through her participation in another summer leadership program spearheaded by Dr. Ciara. Before joining the program, Dr. Ciara describes Trinity as shy and still coming into herself. “I wanted to mentor her, teach her about God and His goodness, and help her plan for her future. She was still developing her self-esteem and learning to love herself at the time.”

Today, Dr. Ciara says that Trinity is a true leader, setting a positive example for the other girls and those within the community. “She is highly ambitious, currently running two businesses and on her way to starting a third. She is in the National Honor Society, plays sports, and is an all-around good person.”

Despite the good the program is doing, there are challenges as well. In Dr. Ciara’s case, it is a source of support. “Support is always challenging, especially when your program caters only to girls of color,” she tells me when I ask what some of the challenges have been for her program. “Challenges include limited funding, limited space on Boards, discrimination, and the list goes on,” she says. However, instead of focusing on those challenges, Dr. Ciara emphasizes the importance of learning to show up and be prepared for your season.

Dr. Ciara trusts God to guide and lead her as she carries out the work He has assigned her. Her message is to inspire others to realize that your mind is your only limit – there is no limit to what you can achieve! “Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help or move outside of your comfort zone into new territory. You are filled with power and strength – trust God to guide you there.”

 For more information on God’s Gift, Inc., visit

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