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Shayla Hilton- Faith & Wellness Coach and Founder of Shayla Hilton Enterprises

Shayla Hilton- Faith & Wellness Coach and Founder of Shayla Hilton Enterprises

Shayla Hilton is a minister, speaker, coach, author, educator, and the founder of Shayla Hilton Enterprises LLC, which specializes in simple strategies and solutions for individuals who desire personal coaching and consulting in the areas of faith and wellness.

Founder of Shayla Hilton Enterprises

On a mission to help others discover their calling and confidently move in the direction God is leading them; Shayla helps individuals address the broken and frustrating areas in their lives to identify their gifts and strengths and utilize them to benefit others. Her perspective is that cultivating an authentic relationship with Jesus and prioritizing personal wellness are required for getting unstuck and moving forward. This perspective came through the process that Shayla herself had to go through many times in her life. “Many times in my life, God gave me very few details but required a huge leap of faith. This has happened over and over throughout my life and career. Each time, God said, “it’s time to go,” so I had to gather my things, silence the fear, and move on to the next thing.”

Shayla recounts how she left the classroom, the school district, and the church she worked in at the time because God said it was time. “I did not know all the details about what would happen next in those instances. I just knew that my obedience was required. I knew that I could remain scared and stuck or step forward and trust that God was working on something beyond my understanding. Each of those scary steps, some forward and some seemingly backward, all moved me closer to the business I am building today,” she says. 

Shayla believes that every believer of Jesus Christ has an assignment to fulfill on earth. “A part of my call, or duty to God, is to stir up His people, help them discover their calling, and then support them as they confidently step into their assignment. Many people (in the Body of Christ) are out of place simply because they have no idea what they are supposed to be doing.” Shayla shares that her assignment is to rally the ‘troops’ and help them get into position. “This work translates to the marketplace because everyone’s assignment is not inside the church building. Most people are called to use their gifts and talents in the world to impact others positively.” 

The founder of Shayla Hilton Enterprises, LLC, shares this inspirational message for readers:

“I want people to know that they cannot speed up their waiting season, but they can go ahead and step into their calling. Although it may be hard to believe, God created them with a plan in mind, and He has a calling that only they can fulfill even in the place they find themselves in right now.” 

She claims you are never too late or broken to step into your calling. Your calling is unique and does not have to be like anyone else’s or look like anything you have ever seen. God is looking for humble and obedient people ready to creatively use their gifts and talents to bless others and bring Him glory. 

Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!” Luke 1:45 NIV

For further details about Shayla and her business Shayla Hilton Enterprises, LLC, you can contact her at, on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

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