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Sadie Evans, Podcast Host & Certified Mindset Coach

Sadie Evans, Podcast Host & Certified Mindset Coach

Sadie Evans is a mother, author, podcast host, and certified mindset coach passionate about edifying and positively impacting the lives of others. One of the tools Sadie uses to impact the lives of others is her mindset coaching program. A program designed to help individuals get to the root of their limiting beliefs so they can be healed and transformed. “I am big on using the obstacles we endure in life as a staircase to our success,” she says.

As Sadie puts it, her journey to becoming a mindset coach was a calling to her. She was an employee with a background in human services. She worked with offenders and people struggling with mental health issues but felt called to serve in other areas. Because Sadie’s job didn’t offer flexibility for her to do what she was feeling called by God to do, she shared her concerns with God. “I told God if He wanted me to move, He had to supply my needs to make that leap.” God responded, and the ball was now in Sadie’s court to trust God and move forward. 

Sadie shares that transitioning from guaranteed income to knowing she must apply her all to generate revenue was hard for her. “I am terrible with marketing. I was conditioned to believe that talking about what you do and being proud was bragging. That alone was and is something I struggled to move past. I want to say poverty is a mindset,” she says.

From Sadie’s new perspective, she encourages others to talk boldly about what they do and be proud of it because someone somewhere needs what is being offered.

“I had to ask God to send me people to know this was something I was called to do, and without any marketing, I gained a client. That alone confirmed that this was part of God’s plan for my life.” 

How do you view your work as a vocation—a call from and a duty to God?

I am impressed, amazed, and honored because God thinks big of me, and that alone makes me want to keep going. When I speak with a client and realize that little of me helped them heal from things they carried for years and some, even decades, it makes me realize just how serious my obedience to God is. I think, “Sadie, people depend on you to transform all because you were a willing vessel.” And to me, that is HUGE

How does your work impact the lives of others?

It helps them look at challenging times in their lives as a learning experience. Some may not enjoy it at first because who really wants to face those uncomfortable feelings that come with healing? I did not, and going through this journey first allowed me to empathize with my clients. I genuinely believe that being uncomfortable for a moment will allow you to live comfortably one day in the physical and spiritual world. It gives you peace of mind, discernment, and being able to hear from God concerning your life. 

What is the go-to scripture that encourages you as a woman of faith in business?

Whew! Proverbs 16: 3: Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

What message do you want to relay to those you are called to serve and impact this season? 

Healing is dressed up to look good, yet it is a painful but rewarding process you MUST take in this life if you desire to be who God has called you to be. It is time to shift your mind so that you can shift your life.

To learn more about Sadie Evans visit her website:

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