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Regina Mixon: Empowering Lives Through Faith and Community

Regina Mixon: Empowering Lives Through Faith and Community

On a beautiful, sunny day in Los Angeles, CA, Regina Mixon sits in her home office, surrounded by the comforting presence of green trees swaying in the breeze outside her window. As we began our interview, Regina exuded a sense of gratitude for life and a deep passion for helping others. “My day thus far has been great!” she says when I asked her about her day. “In all honesty, every day is a great day for me. It definitely does not mean that everything goes well during the day, nor does it mean that I don’t have a lot of life’s challenges as others do. It merely means that I have learned to be appreciative of the gift of life and all it entails.”

Regina’s positive outlook on life is rooted in her faith and determination to overcome hardships. She shared with me her role as a dedicated mother, grandmother, and an individual who finds fulfillment in her work with the Federal Government. While her current role is drawing to a close, Regina eagerly anticipates the next chapter of her journey. 

Years of adversity have only fueled Regina’s desire to positively impact people’s lives. She explained how her experiences have led her to establish God’s Storehouse Ministries, with a mission to holistically address the social and spiritual needs of those within their service areas. Regina’s vision is driven by the belief that every person holds positive potential and is worthy of God’s love. She is committed to guiding individuals toward their highest level of functioning. 

In addition to her ministry, Regina established Regina Mixon Enterprises, LLC, a platform fostering a strong sense of community. It’s not just about her but about all of us working together to achieve our goals. She emphasizes the importance of collective support, recognizing that success is a shared journey. Each endeavor strongly emphasizes the importance of togetherness. It takes a village for anything to be successful. Thus, we often say, ‘ Together, WE can make it happen!’

We continue our conversation below:

How does your brand impact the lives of others?

Prayerfully, the clients and those who have had any connection to my brand have developed a more can-do mentality, improving their lives, manifesting dreams and visions, and improving the lives of those for generations to come.

Who are the primary clients that benefit from your ministry or business?

Under God’s Storehouse Ministries, our clients are those in need. By identifying, collaborating, and partnering with other nonprofits, governmental agencies, schools, etc., we can either assist them in their time of need or refer them to someone who can help them. Several ministries fall under God’s Storehouse Ministries’ umbrella, but the only one fully operational is Women Destined to Win International.

Regina Mixon Enterprises, LLC’s clients mainly consist of women ages 18 or older who are seeking to identify and begin pursuing their purpose through coaching and consulting sessions. The book portion, which includes coaching on how to write, publish, and market a book, is open to anyone serious about getting their books in print and on various platforms.

What challenges have you encountered in your business?

Throughout my 20+ year entrepreneurial journey, I’ve faced significant challenges. Securing financing has been a struggle, relying primarily on personal and family funds. Finding committed individuals who share the vision and possess the necessary skills has also been difficult. I lost a great attorney and tax advisor and have struggled to find replacements. Additionally, frequent relocations have made stability challenging. I understood that I was on assignment for each place I went to. Now, it’s about stability.

What has been most rewarding about the work God has assigned you?

The most rewarding work for me has been seeing some people’s lives changed, their belief in God and themselves shown through their consistent actions, and their elevation to new levels. As they do, they reach back and lift up others. 

Seeing that initial glimmer of hope that once was desperation and helplessness. To see the Word begin to come alive in their lives, to come to know and accept God—these are the most rewarding things for me.

Women Destined to Win International, a sisterhood under the umbrella of God’s Storehouse Ministries, is a testament to the power of unity. Women from diverse backgrounds and cultures unite to pray, share information, network, collaborate, support, assist, and often partner. This global community of women is a force to be reckoned with.

How does your brand reflect your journey or story?

I am not, nor do I profess to be perfect in any way. I am a continual work in progress. We are created for a purpose with a purpose on purpose. The Bible makes that clear. Greatness lies within us, and as children of the Most High, it’s time for us to assume our rightful positions.

I have fallen many times, but I get back up, brush myself off, and keep moving. I will not stop until my purpose here is fulfilled, and only God knows when that time will come. I love to laugh and have fun and often use humor when delivering my messages. I quote Steve Erkel a lot: “Did I do that?” The answer is yes, I did.

I love to share the Word of God with anyone and everybody. Even though my past has been something else, I do not live under guilt, shame, or condemnation. I use my past as encouragement to help others and let them know that if God can love me despite my past and use my past to help others, He can and will do the same for them—if they accept Him and are willing and obedient. I walk by faith. I love my family, friends, and people in general. I am a generous giver of my time, talents, and resources. I forgive even when people don’t receive it.

I am an encourager. I know there are some people I must love from a distance and keep in prayer, as God did not create me or anyone else to be a doormat but a door opener. I am a speaker. I am an author of many books while helping others get their books in print, some novices. I am a Certified Professional Life & Purpose Coach. I get out of my comfort zone a lot! I believe in collaborating, partnering, and supporting other like-minded people to create mutually beneficial relationships.

I love God! And as I say every day – To God be the Glory! I live my best life daily because of Him!

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