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One Lung to Live: How this Beauty and Wellness Expert Near Death Experience Changed Her Perspective on Life

One Lung to Live: How this Beauty and Wellness Expert Near Death Experience Changed Her Perspective on Life

Beauty and wellness expert Tashell Williams wears many hats, but most importantly, she is a woman of God, a proud wife, and a mother of 4 children. Tashell nearly lost her life when she had her lung removed in 2000. Who would have known that through that tragedy, she would find her purpose in helping women be their best version through Beauty & Wellness. “I love helping others with my wisdom, knowledge, and experiences,” she says. I have a unique perspective on life due to my near-death experience, so I tend to find the positive in everything.”

Tashell tells us that in September 2000, at 22, she had minor shortness of breath a couple of times. ” I ended up in an emergency room getting checked out to see what was causing it. Doctors found that the upper part of my right lung collapsed due to a tumor blocking my airway.” The tumor was a rare benign Granular Cell Tumor, which had never been found in the lung before. They determined Tashell should undergo surgery to remove the tumor to preserve the remaining portion of her right lung. December 13, 2000, was chosen as the day of the procedure.

During Tashell’s surgery, doctors discovered that the tumor had grown aggressively, cutting off oxygen to her right lung and growing up her main airway. Because of the extensive nature of the surgery, Tashell spent 1.5 months in a medically induced coma and on a ventilator. She coded twice and shared that she encountered every complication imaginable. She had sepsis, pneumonia, ARDS, respiratory failure, and more. “They didn’t know if I was going to make it. Praise God, I did! He gets all the glory for my healing!” At 65 pounds, Tashell was released from the hospital after two months. She was too feeble to move, talk, or care for herself, but she was alive! 

Not only does Tashell survive with one lung, but she also THRIVES as a 20+ year Licensed Hair Expert, Owner of Euphoric Essence Hair Salon (4-time award-winning salon), and Cadence Taylor Organic Beauty Products, Certified Wellness Coach, Educator, Consultant, and Author. Tashell explains that in 2016, she became passionate about integrating beauty and wellness. She sought to receive her wellness coaching certification. She could now help clients look beautiful externally with a temporary fix of self-confidence as a beauty expert and internally with wellness as a wellness expert.

What do beauty and wellness look like for a woman of faith?

Wellness for a woman of faith is the balance of spiritual, mental, physical, emotional, environmental, financial, and occupational health through beliefs, practices, and routines. Wellness is the path to ensure your cup is full to survive the bumps and unexpected challenges along your journey so you won’t end up empty. It’s what makes you thrive and not just survive in life. Beauty is the glow that is revealed by being well.

Describe your beauty and wellness routines.

 I do deep breathing exercises, journal, stretch, watch something funny, brain dump, write gratitude statements, say affirmations, pray, dance, listen to music, do something for someone else, and do something daily that brings me joy. 

To inspire and empower others, how do you currently share your story? Why is it important to share your story?

Everyone has a story to tell, and it needs to be told. We should tell our story because God tells us to; it brings God glory, demonstrates God’s power, promotes strong connections, and heals and inspires others. Our story helps us understand and relate to one another. I currently share my story through my book “One Lung to Live” and through public speaking.

Would you like to share anything else?

Give yourself and others grace and mercy. Life is not easy for any of us. Make love your message and your language. Remember to tell your story to connect with others and give God the glory for overcoming your struggles. It is what we were created to do. 

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