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Once Lost But Found: A Book For Your Soul

Once Lost But Found: A Book For Your Soul

“As I began to see elevation in my life, I noticed so many others around me declining in theirs.” Coach Nakira Darden says about the inspiration for her latest book, Once Lost, But Found. 

The realization convinced her to share her transformation with those struggling to find themselves. Her journey was challenging, but Nakira stayed consistent and motivated. Through her book, she wants people to know it will be difficult, but persistence pays off. 

I decided to share some of my journey, wisdom, and the things that supported me in seeing myself.


The book is about Nakira’s experiences that challenged her throughout her life and pushed her in the direction that self-awareness became a possibility. She learned to see and know herself using strategies that kept her encouraged. 


I also wanted to include strategies that challenged me to help others, so they can use them to support themselves and get to know the truth about themselves and live a better life.

As a licensed professional counselor, behavioral specialist, educator, mentor and spiritual life coach, Nakira has served countless women, children, and families for over 20 years. Once Lost, But Found is her latest attempt to help people who feel lost in their lives. She hopes they become more self-aware after reading her book. 

I am very passionate about supporting others to see and live their true potential.

Building a healthy relationship with Spirit helped her stay focused on becoming the happiest version of herself. She continues to learn and grow by experiencing things that bring her joy. As she pursues her zealous endeavor, she remains mindful of her health, children, and business and strives to improve each area of her life.

Her book highlights the strategies that strengthened and tested her determination to become better over the years. She also shares scenarios and interventions that sparked her into action and encouraged her to put herself first. To address this topic, she discusses relationships in her book. 

One thing about relationships that individuals sometimes forget is that it’s a two-way street.” 

She emphasizes that communication nurtures relationships and strengthens connections on all levels. When one partner invests more than the other, the relationship suffers. She adds, 

“You have to treat others as you want to be treated.” 

She adds that relationships do not get nurtured enough because the shadows of past relationships haunt people. Forcing someone to be present in a relationship only leads to further misery. A better alternative would be to let things flow organically and give partners space to create boundaries for themselves and express their true feelings to their significant other when they are ready. 

“By doing this, you are supporting yourself and staying aligned with your wants. These rules, of course, have to be created and embedded within you.”

Once Lost, But Found is for women seeking a new direction. She wants them to know that determination and perseverance are key factors in manifesting whatever they desire. They can learn from the book about seeing themselves and creating a life they truly want. Knowing and understanding the concept will be overwhelming, but they can do it if they stay consistent. Nakira believes that as soon as women let go of the doubts and fears holding them back, they can believe in themselves. 

“They can make a huge difference, impact their lives, and be at peace. It will release amazing energy out into the universe.” 

Coach Nakira states that just attempting to survive is not the route to thriving in life. “Women need more than that. They must be true to their hearts and overcome challenges with strength and courage. If they shift their consciousness a little, they can explore a new world!” 

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This article appears in the Purpose & Power 2023 issue of TODAYSPURPOSEWOMAN.

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