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Music News: Singer and Songwriter Tia Rachelle Returns With Sophomore Single “Get The Glory”

Music News: Singer and Songwriter Tia Rachelle Returns With Sophomore Single “Get The Glory”

Tia Rachelle is a well-known singer, songwriter, and worship leader recognized for her dedicated commitment to praising God through her music. Her artistic journey began years ago when she established her presence as a worship leader and performer in the local community, participating in stage plays and musical theater. These experiences, combined with her deep faith, have significantly influenced her uplifting and anointed artistry.

In 2021, Tia successfully launched her debut single, “Sufficient Grace.” Following this, she took a brief hiatus from the public eye to prioritize her family. During this period, her passion for worship grew, and her determination to use her music to honor God intensified.

“After a three-year break to focus on being a wife and mother, I’m thrilled to return to my first love – music,” Tia shares. “My new single reflects my renewed faith and the experiences that have deepened my relationship with God.”

Her latest single, Get The Glory, is a soulful and comforting ballad. Inspired by Isaiah 42:8 – “I am the Lord; that is My name. And My glory will I not give to another,” her lyrics convey surrender, gratitude, and praise.

“The idea for ‘Get The Glory’ came to me when I was grappling with doubts about my talent and whether I should continue using it,” Tia explains. “As I reflected and realized that I’m simply a vessel for God to work through, my mindset shifted to a place of surrender, and the song naturally evolved from there.”

“Since the release of ‘Sufficient Grace’ in 2021, I have become more focused and intentional about my sound, refining my craft and the message I want to convey through my music,” says Tia. “This journey has led me to embrace a more authentic and creative vibe, which I believe ‘Get the Glory’ perfectly captures.”

“Get The Glory” is now available on all digital platforms. Chris Adams of Dulaneyland Music is the single’s producer, and Wilke$ is the vocal producer and arranger.

Tia’s single serves as a powerful reminder to continue focusing on God and asserts that all the glory belongs to Him. Tia’s passion for worship shines through, and her music transcends mere melodies and lyrics. Her artistry is an expression of her devotion and a means to bring others closer to God. Her songwriting continues to expand, reflecting pertinent lyrical themes of personal faith and inspiration.

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