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Meet The Marketplace Evangelist Changing Lives Through Her Bible-Based Coaching Program

Meet The Marketplace Evangelist Changing Lives Through Her Bible-Based Coaching Program

Nancy J. Lewis can be best described as many things. But if we had to narrow it down to two, it would be intentional and authentic. An ordained minister and marketplace evangelist, Nancy has found her true calling in serving individuals who realize they want to be coached based on God’s word.

Through her marketplace ministry, Rehoboth Christian Business & Executive Coaching Academy (RCBECA), Nancy brings clients a transformational Bible-based coaching program to propel them to walk in their God-given destiny to fulfill their dreams and goals. “We offer a twelve-week intensive program that will literally create a pathway for you to walk in your God-given destiny as you run the race that is set before you and not the path of others. Rehoboth Christian Business & Executive Coaching Academy (RCBECA) with the tagline, Let God make room for you, is what this program will do for you!”

Nancy has been graced with the gift of being able to help others tap into more of their potential and walk in their God-given destiny. Her greatest concern is that many people she coaches have been going through a feeling of overwhelm, stress, and mental fatigue. “They forget to take care of God’s temple in their quest for business and career success,” she says. “I have had to remind them that you can’t pour from an empty cup and if you never go back to work again, the company continues. Yes, it is important to take care and operate in excellence, doing what God has called you to do. It is also important to recognize when you are running on fumes, and God is telling you to take time off to refresh, replenish, and renew yourself.”

Nancy continues, “We have to remember that God wants us healthy and well and that we must be willing to listen to what He directs us to do even when it doesn’t make sense naturally. God’s ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts higher than our thoughts. He knows the end from the beginning and is looking for the body of Christ to follow and trust Him completely. He wants us to stop being closet Christians and be willing to express our faith in the marketplace.”

It is Nancy’s perspective that God’s faithfulness to His people is still present. This is what gives her hope. “Even amidst all the things going on, God is still faithful and doing amazing things for His people. As believers, we know the Bible states in the last days, perilous times would come; they are here. But God is still sovereign, and souls are still coming into the kingdom of God. Remember always that God is faithful!”

Nancy speaks from experience when she says God is faithful. As an entrepreneur, she’s had to weather the highs and lows. “But with God’s grace, I have been able to weather the storms and allow my difficult seasons where business was slow, things weren’t happening, clients weren’t calling and going through a divorce didn’t make me quit,” she says. Nancy claims that she knew God was with her. Because of that, her faith grew and became stronger. “This journey will definitely help you to learn to walk by faith in real-time,” she adds, referring to entrepreneurship. “I am thankful that God is with me and guiding me to run by business His way.”

Interestingly, Nancy is also an author of several books and is the host of Conversations with Nancy J., which airs every Wednesday at 11:00 pm EST on WATC TV 57 and Saturday at 12:30 pm EST streaming on The show focuses on everyday people doing extraordinary things. 

Nancy’s latest book is a tween/teen book entitled Growing in God’s Grace: 31 Affirmations for Tweens/Teens. 

“This book came about because I see so many tweens/teens constantly looking for validation from everywhere but God. They are often fragile when corrected and given feedback. This book was designed for them to have an affirmation for every day and a scripture to correlate to the affirmation and a reflection page.” The goal is that if the affirmations are read and reflected on month after month, the young readers will be strong in who God has called them to be. “We will raise strong young men and women for Christ,” she says.

Nancy leaves these words of wisdom and tips for readers:

“Get out of your own way, trust, listen and obey God even when you don’t understand. God sees the whole picture; you only see one piece. Do whatever God has called you to with excellence as you are working unto the Lord. Pray and seek God’s wisdom every day. Remember that God loves you and wants you to prosper and bring you to an expected end!”

Eight things to keep top of mind:

1.         Remember, you are on your own track, stop looking sideways.

2.         Collaborate, don’t compete.

3.         Develop an abundance mindset and remember what God has for you is for you.

4.         Celebrate with the cheerleaders in your life!

5.         Recognize that each day is a gift to unwrap and enjoy.

6.         Do you because everyone else is taken.

7.         Rest if you will, but never quit.  

8.         Keep God first.

Here’s how to connect: Cell: (404) 788-1975  or

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