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Meet Kennedy Garcia Founder of Spiritual Boss Chick

Meet Kennedy Garcia Founder of Spiritual Boss Chick

Kennedy Garcia is a catalyst for moving faith-based and secular communities from surviving to thriving, utilizing her proven theory that faith, wellness & leadership development transform lives and manifest greatness in all of us. She is a rare combination of Success Strategist, Pageant Aficionado, Ministry Leader, Philanthropist & Corporate Executive. Kennedy has dedicated many years to working with women & girls to maximize their gifts, expand their leadership and amplify their legacy. She does this by elevating faith & teaching principles of resilience, spiritual formation, influence, branding, goal execution, emotional intelligence, and sustaining a winning mindset.

As the CEO & Founder of Spiritual Boss Chick and The Dream Academy, her firm’s courses, events, and results-based mentoring programs help to elevate faith and equip emerging and established leaders to amplify, optimize and monetize their divine gifts. “Spiritual Boss Chick is Gods’ way of giving me beauty for ashes because everything He taught me in the darkest moments of my life has been used through this platform to help others.” Spiritual Boss Chick gave Kennedy purpose when she questioned everything. It has been the same vehicle for others to have transformative experiences while finding victory on the other side of adversity.

In 2007 Kennedy lost her father unexpectedly, and for a few years, she felt like a woman wandering around the desert (for much longer than 40 days and 40nights). As she was working through her grief, she kept looking for ways to heal, grow, and a place where she could find safety in sisterhood so she didn’t have to do it alone. “Everything I found felt good for a moment, but God was always missing. I eventually realized I would never find what I was looking for unless I created it.” A problem-solver by nature, Kennedy felt there was a void. She prayed for a while before deciding how to fill it. “I will always be determined to be an exponent of Christ in this world, so everything I do I want Him to be in the center,” she says. 

Kennedy created the Spiritual Boss Chick as a biblically-centered coaching platform equipping women to re-engineer self-sabotaging behaviors, cultivate confidence, develop dynamic faith and elevate personal & professional leadership skills to reach their full potential. As a 6X pageant titleholder, It was important to Kennedy to expand her programs to include women and systems in pageantry because one of her personal beliefs is that women & girls in pageantry have a powerful platform.

“I want to encourage, empower, equip and challenge them to use it for God’s glory.”

Coaching programs at Spiritual Boss Chick has produced winning results for numerous women internationally; from CEOs to Miss Universe candidates, and has widely contributed to Kennedy being a highly sought-after Motivational Speaker & Influencer. “At Spiritual Boss Chick, you will find a community of women who encourage each other on their journey and cheer each other on. There is safety in this sisterhood.”

Today’s Purpose Woman continues the conversation with Kennedy to discuss how her business impacts the world. 

Why do you consider Spiritual Boss Chick a ministry?

Ministry doesn’t always happen in the pulpit of a church and actually when we think about how Christ expects us to live, we’d realize that our entire lives are a ministry. Spiritual Boss Chick has always been considered “my ministry” because I firmly believe I have been prepared for this time and anointed to do this work. All of the coaching programs, not just the bible studies, are developed from a biblical worldview and Christ is at the center of everything we do. At a macro-level, I am sowing into the Kingdom with every breathe I take, whether on stage delivering a Keynote or in private coaching sessions with the Spiritual Boss Chick community. I have witnessed the fruit of my discipleship as many women have given their lives to Christ after experiencing Spiritual Boss Chick events and/or coaching. At a micro-level, all of the proceeds from Spiritual Boss Chick events, coaching and products are used for sowing into the youth via The Dream Academy. I take nothing, and I keep nothing. I am happy to be used as a vessel, give God the glory in all I do and pour his blessings back into his people.

Speaking of The Dream Academy, what inspired you to start this program?

I have been a lifelong advocate for women and girls. I am a lover of knowledge and believe that education is one of the most important tools we can utilize to help us overcome personal and professional barriers. I spent a ton of time volunteering as a mentor while in Graduate school for Junior Achievement and CASA. After losing a family member to suicide, I became a devoted Mental Health advocate and ambassador of the Association For Suicide Prevention (AFSP).

I was at a conference and learned of the “Gender Dream Gap” which states that girls stop attempting to reach their dreams after the age of 7 because they’ve either been met with resistance or were told they couldn’t be successful. This pierced my heart in a way that I cannot articulate and that coupled with my experience working with children and young adults who wanted more from life but were unsure how to get there motivated me to create an organization that could help them thrive. I aimed to develop programs that would help build confidence and self-esteem and address the root causes of the hopelessness experienced by our youth. Again, I saw a void and knew that God had uniquely prepared me to be able to stand in the gap.

I founded The Dream Academy, a 501c3 that focused on equipping girls to live their dreams by helping them imagine and access all they can become through optimizing their potential & education while also providing solutions that eliminate barriers. Through this federally registered non-profit organization, we have provided:

  • Leadership & life skills development.
  • Exposure to STEM careers.
  • Guidance through the college selection process for students seeking admissions and scholarships for graduating seniors for over 250 girls.

What advice would you give other business owners who see their business as a ministry but are told it’s not because it doesn’t fit or operate as a traditional ministry?

My advice is simple. Stop listening to them! What God has for you, is for you, and what He’s placed in your heart is what matters most. He knows what He has called you to. Press forward in making “your ministry” happen. It’s up to you to understand the assignment and step up to the plate!

What is your message of hope to the world currently?

Since the beginning of time, men and women were created to reign. The schemes of this world have robbed us of our rightful identities, confidence, and abundance in life, but God has put seeds of greatness inside of you and that can never be taken. Those seeds are yours to cultivate and blossom; for that is the will of God. There has been no better time than right now for you to muster up the strength to push forward, step into your greatness, transform your life and change the world. You are heirs of the King and perfectly equipped to conquer anything thrown your way, so stand up, slay your divine assignment in this lifetime and REIGN!

Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

I don’t know who this is for, but it was placed on my heart to tell you this; Never stop looking up. Always remember where your strength comes from and seek God’s face in good times and bad. There is so much negativity in the world, but God will give you peace in the eye of any storm. He is a God of the hills and the valley and I truly do not believe He’s brought you this far to leave you in despair. If He can do it for me, I am positive He can do it for you. You can overcome any obstacle and achieve your dreams. Keep looking up and watch Him work. Great things are going to happen for you.

How can readers connect with you?

I am most active on my @spiritualbosschick Instagram profile and welcome purpose-driven conversations in my DM’s. Feel free to send me a message anytime! You can also reach out through my website;

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