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Meet Denise Ochigbo, Founder of The Career Mompreneur 

Meet Denise Ochigbo, Founder of The Career Mompreneur 

Denise Ochigbo is a wife, mom, financial coach, speaker, and innovative finance and marketing leader. She has over 14+ years of experience in finance, accounting, marketing, investing, and strategy. Denise is the founder of The Career Mompreneur (TCM), a financial planning & coaching business that educates, empowers, and elevates women to financial freedom. 

The Career Mompreneur focuses on personal finance for individuals by creating customized financial plans (inclusive of money mindset, budgeting, savings, debt management, credit planning, tax planning, retirement planning, investment planning & more). They offer 1:1 financial coaching to clients to hold them accountable for achieving their financial goals. “Our goal is to create a tribe of financially educated women who can go and leave a legacy for generations to follow.” 

In addition, she focuses on business financial planning, which make up over 80% of her business where her team create customized business financial plans that go over budgeting, savings, debt management, income statement, balance sheet, all financial ratios (that lenders use to approve a business for funding), retirement planning, investment planning and more to help businesses get access to capital. Her business is partnered with a leading bank that provides access to capital for businesses.

While growing up, Denise recalls seeing her parents struggle financially to raise three kids. Her parents provided a good life, but Denise realized as she got older how much her parents struggled without the education and knowledge of how to build financial wealth for their family. “I knew at about ten that I wanted to learn how to invest and build financial wealth so I could help my parents break out of the financial struggle they were in daily.” Before college, Denise was an avid reader. She read books on investing and finance and learned how to break out of poverty. In college, Denise studied finance and accounting. She also learned taxes and became certified in taxes. 

Once Denise started doing taxes, she realized she spent most of her time teaching clients about financial planning, tax planning, investment planning, and how to break the cycle of living from paycheck to paycheck. For more financially savvy clients, Denise taught them about investments, savings, credit, and how to leave a legacy. “I realized at that moment what my purpose was on earth. I knew someday I would start my own business after gaining experience & expertise in Corporate America.” 

When the pandemic hit, Denise had the opportunity to take inventory of her 14+ Corporate America career and how she could leverage everything she learned to launch what she was purposed to do on earth. “I prayed and asked God for direction on exactly what He wanted me to do in my new season,” she says. During months of prayers, Denise decided to leave her six-figure career and stay home with her daughter. 

During Denise’s time at home, God gave her the name The Career Mompreneur and the vision for the business. “I decided to take that leap of faith not just for me but for my entire family,” she says. “I am the first in my immediate family to pursue higher education and make six figures. Therefore, I knew God had more for me to do and to make an impact in the world.”

How do you view your work as a vocation—a call from and a duty to God?

Once I launched The Career Mompreneur, I received favor and peace in knowing I was finally walking in my calling and purpose. You don’t see many African American women in finance or accounting fields. Most times in college, I was the “only” one. In the corporate boardroom, most times, I was the “only” one. God had to make me uncomfortable with racial and gender bias in corporate America to push me out of my comfort zone and teach other women how to create financial freedom for themselves. I knew that was the mandate He gave to me.

What message do you want to relay to those you are called to serve and impact this season? 

Today, women make 80% of the financial decisions in the home and only have 20% of financial literacy education & knowledge. Can you imagine what type of decisions you are making? Don’t delay; it’s time to invest in you, and always know it starts with your mindset. Once you understand the power of the mind and heart, investing in yourself is a lifetime journey to continue to educate, empower, and elevate to financial freedom. Make that step today and become part of an amazing community of women who are here to uplift, challenge, and help you grow on your financial journey. If I can do it, why can’t you?

Is there anything else you would like to share as a Woman of Faith founder called to the marketplace?

You must trust God and know He can’t mismanage your life. God allowed you to be born for a reason and purpose. Trust Him, step out on faith to the marketplace, and use your talents, skills, and abilities to glorify and honor Him. 

How can readers contact you?

Readers can reach out to me by email at or In addition, here is my business number to call directly: 773-217-8538

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