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Meet Award-Winning Entrepreneur & Christian Influencer Chanel E. Martin

Meet Award-Winning Entrepreneur & Christian Influencer Chanel E. Martin

Chanel E. Martin is an ordained prophet, award-winning technology founder, a Wake-Up accountability coach, founder of Beyond The Book Media, and the Co-Visionary of Kingdom Business Network – the largest Christian Entrepreneur Club on the Clubhouse App. Kingdom Business Network, also known as KBN, hosts 14 recurring rooms and reaches over 65K+ members nationwide!

Chanel teaches proven methods that motivate, activate, and accelerate people in their business and faith journeys using Biblically-based principles and practical strategy. She is extremely passionate about helping to advance the kingdom through wealth generation and generational curse breaking. As a busy wife and mom of four, Chanel has cracked the code on how to be a successful “mompreneur.”

The Award-Winning Entrepreneur and Christian Influencer reflects on her journey to becoming the co-visionary of the largest Christian Entrepreneur Club on Clubhouse and how she helps business owners activate their faith and purpose.

You are the Co-Visionary of Kingdom Business Network, the largest Christian Entrepreneur Club on the Clubhouse App. What is the story behind the Kingdom Business Network?  

In 2015, I was working full-time as a founder and chief science officer for MYAVANA, we’d just taped an episode of The Real, and the Lord told me to go on a fast.  He said, ‘I need you to step down from MYAVANA and I need you to help my entrepreneurs.’ I didn’t know what that meant at the time, so I stepped down and concluded my term there as an active founder in 2016.  Little did I know that after that, God would start my grooming process. He started giving me a burden for entrepreneurs and prayer, which led me to host my first prayer challenge for business owners in 2017.

This led to my first book, 31 Prayers for Spiritual Wealth, and I started using the principles that I learned as a tech co-founder because I had the opportunity to attend some of the nation’s top business accelerator programs and receive a lot of mentorship surrounding business. I started teaching free classes to entrepreneurs and hosting free webinars for Kingdom Entrepreneurs. I also started teaching people how to get funding and media coverage because I was working as a contributor for Black Enterprise, and I, myself, had been able to attract a lot of press.

In 2019, I started hosting virtual deliverance sessions for business owners, on the leading of the Holy Spirit with my company Behind the Book Media, because I noticed that people weren’t finishing their books nor accomplishing their purpose because they needed to go through mass deliverance. That also led to me doing pop-up prophetic prayers over businesses right before the pandemic hit. Next, the Lord told me to build a community to bring people together because I didn’t really have a hub for everything I was doing. Then finally, I got an invite to the Clubhouse app in November of 2020, and the day I got on, I heard the Lord say that this is where the Kingdom Business Network would live.  Then I brought on Co-founder Chandler Bailey to help me steward it.

What do you feel was instrumental in the Kingdom Business Network becoming the largest club for Christian Entrepreneurs on the Clubhouse App?

I understand momentum and that we had something special in the middle of the pandemic. I remember what I learned from briefly working in radio, and I used these strategies to heavily recruit to the platform.  We were really one of the earlier clubs because we came in right before they had the influx of people, so I gained a presence on Clubhouse early before there were many faith-based rooms. We had many notable influencers stopping by the Kingdom Business Network because it sounds like something you were supposed to be a part of. We also had a room called Coffee and Conversations, that my friend JD started, which had great attendance. Probably a few weeks into that, I launched my room, Prophetic Planning for Your Day, and then it just exploded from there.

Tell us about Beyond the Book Media. How has this platform also helped entrepreneurs further activate their faith & purpose?

My company is like a supernatural publishing agency, meaning I’m an ordained prophet, so it just oozes out of me.  I do everything under strict biblical principles, meaning that I’m always looking to the root from a supernatural perspective as to why things aren’t happening.  I believe the Lord supernaturally gave me Beyond the Book Media, and because I already had influence in business, I wanted to target business owners.  I remember what really transitioned me to be an expert and consultant was my ebook, Fundraising Solutions for Small Business Owners and Nonprofits. That set me up for speaking engagements and different things of that nature. After that, I started focusing on a mission to help business owners at least have one book.

With an engineering background, bachelor’s and master’s degree in chemical engineering, I used my engineering expertise to create a formula to help people do it quickly. I realized that many business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals who didn’t consider themselves authors struggled to find the time. So I provided a formula for how to finish a book from 7 to 21 days. We’ve taught thousands at this point and have helped many business owners expand their reach. They’ve accomplished media opportunities, speaking engagements and are making more money. They’re developing courses and different things of that nature as well. 

What makes our book challenges different is that we add prayer, prophecy and deliverance.  Like with the last one, we took our authors through deliverance before they even started writing their book, because many were suffering from unforgiveness, resentment, offense, rejection, all kinds of things rooted in what was happening to them internally. So I was like, look, we can go ahead and squash all of this off the top to have a quicker writing experience.

I understand you have a conference coming up. Tell us about the 2022 KBN conference and how readers can learn more.

Yes! So we have a conference coming up next year on September 14, 15, and 16 in Atlanta.  You can visit to go ahead and get your tickets for the in-person event, as we are expecting about 500-600 people.  We had a phenomenal time at the one that we did this year, and we’re already putting things in motion to make sure the 2022 conference will be even better! We’re also planning to bring ‘Prophetic Planning For Your Day’ live each month to a new city, with the first stop in Atlanta on October 29th.

Is there anything else you would like to share?

This is the best time to be a Kingdom Entrepreneur because God is calling us to the forefront. There is grace, favor, His resources and so much that heaven is opening up doors for, in the supernatural assistance that Kingdom Entrepreneurs are receiving, because He’s moving all of us to the forefront. What I love about that is, for people like me, who don’t necessarily fit in a traditional church mode, we’re getting the opportunity to profess our faith and love for Christ the way God made us. It’s the best time to be able to infuse everything if you’re an entrepreneur, if you love Jesus, if you’re unique, if you’re out of the box….. this is the season for us to rise up! Thank you for this great interview opportunity.

To connect with Chanel, visit or follow her at

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