Lauren C. Nelson: Assisting Women In Living Well and On Purpose
Lauren C. Nelson is an empowerment coach, servant leader, and speaker. She is also the founder of Partner for Impact, a consulting firm that promotes workplace belonging, empowerment, and inclusiveness. Indeed, she is deeply committed to assisting women in living well and on purpose. Lauren believes God constantly makes her encounter women who need help birthing the greatest version of themselves and the gifts inside them, which is why she founded The Powerhouse Era coaching program.
Furthermore, Lauren also gives back to the community by mentoring first-generation young professionals needing career help. As a first-generation corporate professional, she knows the challenges of rising through the corporate ranks, which is why she works so hard to open doors and connect individuals in need wherever she can.
Lauren’s faith serves as a driving force in her work. Faith is at the heart of everything she does, from customer interactions to the content she creates. She aims to produce meaningful material that might bring people joy and inspiration. She explains that if anything does not enhance, bless, provide value, or align, she and her team will not pursue it.
What is one issue or concern you feel needs to be discussed, and what can you provide as part of the solution?
One issue that I often discuss is toxic workplace culture. Many business owners (myself included) left corporate for a reason. A recent study found that 25% of people who leave a job cite “toxic company culture” as the reason for leaving.
While some people leave to start their businesses, change careers, or leave the workforce, millions stay in those conditions their entire adult lives. Think about the impact on the mind, body, spirit, and quality of life.
In my consulting business, Partner for Impact, I have helped companies evolve their work environment, resolve conflict, and build a healthier space for their employees.
And to directly help affected employees who want a path to freedom, I have my coaching program, The Powerhouse Era.
What is one life lesson you learn the hard way?
I learned the hard way that no matter how much effort you put into something, sometimes it’s just not enough. That was the reality of my corporate career.
I remember working tirelessly on projects for months, struggling with poor treatment to “earn my stripes.” I bought into the lie that I had to work harder, longer hours than others on the team just to be taken seriously for promotions. It was heartbreaking, disheartening, and terrible for my health. I got the promotion only to leave the job two years later. My lesson was self-respect and knowing my worth. After that experience, I would only take work that served me at the highest level first!
Tell us about one life experience you feel significantly shaped you into who you are today.
My father died from health issues in his 40s. My half-brother recently died from a car accident in his 30s; he was two years older than me. These experiences deeply impacted me forever. They taught me to live with urgency and to make the most of my time here on this earth.
I now live, plan, love, and move promptly on purpose. We don’t know when God will call us home. I don’t know, but I do know this: I will be in divine alignment and still on divine assignment when he calls me.
Fear, shame, and regret have paralyzed many from embracing their life purpose. What advice would you give to help someone overcome this obstacle?
Fear is the biggest blessing blocker! For years, I let my fear keep me in place and away from my potential. It was fear within myself and fear projected on me by people around me.
Since I was a teenager, I wanted to start my own business, speak, coach, create content, and so much more, but I didn’t know how to get started. I feared messing up, so I played it safe – went to college, took safe jobs, and preoccupied my time with entertainment instead of entrepreneurship. And the people I hung around did the same too.
One day, the dissatisfaction became too much. I had to decide: continue down the safe path I grew to hate or face my fears by doing what I felt led to do. I chose to face my fears; as a result, I’ve experienced incredible success and fulfillment.
What did I do? I took the time to learn what I didn’t know and then applied it. As an entrepreneur, Google, books, YouTube, social media, and mentors have been my teachers. Learning and teaming up with people who knew what I didn’t know helped me build, launch, and grow my business and brand. Fear will block your blessing if you let it!
Is there anything else compelling you would like to share or discuss?
To all Today’s Purpose Woman readers, please know that you have a choice as long as you have breath. You can move ahead or stay in place, but the choice is yours. Believe in yourself, trust your instincts, don’t be afraid to take risks when necessary, and surround yourself with other people who want to see you succeed.
My virtual door is open to aspiring entrepreneurs and entrepreneur sisters who want to connect. Tap in and follow me on IG!
This article appears in the Purpose & Power 2023 issue of TODAYSPURPOSEWOMAN.