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How to Have the Right Money Mindset As A Woman of Faith

How to Have the Right Money Mindset As A Woman of Faith

When people talk about money, what comes to mind?

Do you believe that wealth is evil or that wealthy people are not spiritual because they are wealthy? Do you believe that wealth is a limited resource that should be possessed in abundance by a select few people? Or do you use money as a tool to achieve your goals in life? Is it something you have plenty of access to? Do you envision yourself as wealthy despite the fact that you are a true child of God?

Well, society and our parents have instilled in most of us negative and positive ideas about money. Even when you have a lot of money, you can still be devoted to your relationship with Jesus because money is not sinful. However, you must adopt the proper financial mindset.

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. 

1 Timothy 6:10 (NIV)

These tips will help women of faith adopt the proper financial mindset.

Study Bible Verses about Money

Most people, particularly Christians, believe that money is evil because they have misinterpreted scripture. That is why it is critical to understand what the Bible says about it. Money is not inherently evil. We use it to help others, pay tithes, and pay our bills, so it is not evil; however, the love of money is.

The Bible is clear. You cannot love both money and God; you must make a choice. When you love money, you will do anything good or evil to obtain it. Money should not have power over you because it is merely a medium of exchange. However, we should not pretend that money isn’t important because it is. Most transactions necessitate the exchange of money, so labeling money as evil is insufficient.

Job was both wealthy and spiritual. When all was taken from him by the devil including his wealth and children, Job did not turn away from God. So having money will not make you less spiritual unless you allow it to corrupt your thinking.

Create Money Goals

Aren’t you sick of being broke or living paycheck to paycheck?
There’s nothing sacred about being broke. In reality, some impoverished individuals worship money. All they can think about is money and where they can acquire some so they can stop being broke. Money is a god in their lives.

Creating money goals can help you see money as a tool or medium that you utilize on a daily basis to attain other goals in life. Aside from paying expenses and enjoying pleasure, you may utilize money to help the underprivileged, clergy expand their ministries or churches, and improve society. When we have money, we can do so many wonderful things for God’s Kingdom.

Overall, if we remember Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you,” you’ll have no trouble developing a positive financial mindset.

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