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How LaTanya Orr is Revolutionizing Women’s Entrepreneurship

How LaTanya Orr is Revolutionizing Women’s Entrepreneurship

LaTanya Orr is making waves in the entrepreneurial world with her innovative approach to empowering women. A dynamic force born and raised in Chicago, Orr’s journey led her to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, where she honed her skills in marketing communications. Life’s twists and turns took her to Florida, where she faced the loss of her late husband, yet her indomitable spirit guided her back to her beloved Chicago. Now, she resides there with her new husband, deeply connected to the community she cherishes.

“Returning to Chicago wasn’t just a homecoming,” Orr reflects. “It was a reconnection to a community I’ve always loved, a community I’m now serving in a transformative way.”

With over three decades of experience as a marketing and branding strategist, Orr is channeling her expertise into The FoundHERS Suite—an innovative flex office space located in an underserved Chicago neighborhood. This initiative addresses a gap Orr has keenly observed over the years, offering not just a workspace but a comprehensive support system for women entrepreneurs.

Orr’s fascination with shared office spaces began thirty years ago and has blossomed into a vibrant platform for collaboration and empowerment. “I’ve always been intrigued by shared spaces, and now I’m actualizing this vision with a focus on empowering women entrepreneurs,” Orr shares with palpable enthusiasm.

The FoundHERS Suite is designed to meet the critical needs of women, particularly those from BIPOC communities. Orr has witnessed the challenges these entrepreneurs face, from limited resources to the need for a nurturing community. Her solution? A space that combines the practicality of an office with access to a network of experts in HR, legal support, branding, and financial planning.

Yet, Orr’s mission extends beyond the physical office. She is pioneering virtual seminars and workshops, leveraging her marketing and branding acumen to mentor and support women entrepreneurs nationwide. “Even before the space is fully operational, I’ve been engaging with women entrepreneurs through virtual seminars, sharing insights to help them flourish,” she reveals.

Orr’s commitment to empowering women stems from personal experience and a profound belief in community collaboration. Her journey, marked by both challenges and triumphs, is fueled by her faith and an unwavering drive to make a significant impact. “My faith in God is the foundation of everything I do. He’s given me this vision, and I’m dedicated to bringing it to life, creating a space where women can unite, not just to work, but to empower and uplift each other,” Orr conveys with conviction.

Under Orr’s visionary leadership, The FoundHERS Suite is set to become a hub of innovation, support, and empowerment for women entrepreneurs. Through her work, Orr is not only enhancing the women’s entrepreneurship experience but also setting a powerful precedent for what it means to be a woman of influence in today’s world. As the seasons change in Chicago, Orr’s efforts at The FoundHERS Suite herald a new era of opportunity, growth, and collaboration for women entrepreneurs, both locally and globally.

LaTanya Orr is featured in the latest book Forces For Change: Voices of Faith, Hope and Purpose. Be inspired by the trailblazing women in Forces for Change, whose creativity and strength are reshaping the world. This book is perfect for readers passionate about empowerment, leadership, and faith. (Hardcover coffee table book available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Ingram Sparks.

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