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How Jamie Dahl’s Breast Cancer Journey Gave Her A New Outlook on Life

How Jamie Dahl’s Breast Cancer Journey Gave Her A New Outlook on Life

Born in Chicago, Illinois, and currently living in Wisconsin with her husband and two daughters. Jamie Dahl has enjoyed a diverse background of life experiences in many areas. In addition to being an author, breast cancer survivor, and an elementary school teacher, she was a professional dancer in New York City, and toured with the contemporary Christian artist, Carman.  Following her professional dance career, Jamie lived in Los Angeles and worked in the fashion industry. She assisted a well-known stylist and helped her create “looks” for many personalities in the entertainment industry, and the Christian music industry. “Currently, I am a Beautycounter consultant and leader. I lead a team of men and women, advocating for healthier lifestyles as it relates to the beauty industry, and have achieved the highest title of Managing Director.”  Jamie also authors her blog,, and uses this platform to encourage women and spread the hope of Christ.

In March of 2017, what began as a routine check of a small lump in Jamie’s breast became the beginning of a nightmare that changed her life. “I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer that required chemotherapy treatments and a double mastectomy.” What followed was a rollercoaster that sent Jamie on a terrifying ride. “Knowing that I was battling a disease that could potentially steal me from those I love, put me in an extreme state of fear and uncertainty. The grueling pain of chemotherapy treatments caused me to lose my hair, energy, and ability to take care of my family. One moment, I was embracing the idea of being bald and I found myself confidently searching YouTube videos to learn how to rock a fabulous turban. The next moment, I was sobbing uncontrollably in the shower holding clumps of hair in my hands. I was literally stripped of everything that made me feel like a woman, and I was completely humbled in both body and spirit.” It took Jamie many months to physically and emotionally recover from her ordeal.  However, during that time, God used that storm to draw her closer to Him and teach her important lessons that began to grow and stretch her on so many levels. “He pressed upon my heart to share my story openly and reveal how He can use all things for good, including a cancer diagnosis.” Jamie’s story has opened up a variety of speaking opportunities, and God has continued to use her experiences to impact a variety of audiences.

God has given Jamie a passion for sharing her story and offering a message of hope for those who are hurting, specifically women. “The unfortunate truth is we live in a fallen world, where many of us will find ourselves in seasons of deep pain. This dark season for me, was my battle with breast cancer. Through this time, I learned that pain is pain, no matter what the struggle may be. I have found that when someone is in the thick of their fight, they want to know that they are not alone. I am passionate about being vulnerable with my journey and coming alongside other women as they walk through their struggles.  Jamie also has a desire to encourage women to be open with their stories. “When we freely peel back the curtain on our lives and begin revealing our authentic selves to others, God will use those experiences, and lessons learned, to help those walking similar paths. Beautiful moments of healing begin to happen when we link arms with those around us, and share our trials and triumphs.

Jamie shares that her journey has taught her that God is faithful and He will never leave our side in both good and challenging times. “This trial allowed me to experience a deeper level of love from the Father that I may never have known had I not gone through it. I also learned the importance of rest and being still. My fast-paced on-the-go lifestyle came to a crashing halt due to my diagnosis, but during those moments of stillness, I found that I was able to hear the Lord’s voice intimately. The world’s distractions and our human desire to always move can cripple us from really tuning into the voice of God. I learned to keep daily, dedicated quiet time with the Lord sacred, and stop and appreciate all of the beauty around me.”

Jamie believes her experience gave her a reset button on her life. It provided her with the opportunity to reevaluate her priorities, and ultimately put those things first that filled her with joy and passion— this passion has given her purpose. “When I looked back on my life before cancer, I realized that I was going through the motions, as it pertained to my relationship with God. Now, He is using my life for Kingdom purposes, and there is nothing more fulfilling than walking the path that He created each of us for.” Having gone through a very difficult season in her life, and seeing how God gently and lovingly walked her through it, Jamie now has a deeper level of consistent peace. “Once you put your faith in Christ and allow Him to show His love and provision through life’s difficult times, you begin to change your perspective. Your “trust muscle” gets stronger, and when challenges are thrown in your path, you can face them with a new level of peace that you never had before.  I now look at trials in my life as opportunities for God to show off and reveal His love and power to the world. Knowing that He can use my brokenness for His glory has completely altered my perspective. Having this mindset is a game-changer. I no longer live with fear of what may come, but now, I live in expectation of the miracles God can do.”

Jamie’s heart is meant to encourage other women and the advice she frequently gives them is to always remind yourself that you are not alone. God is “El Roi,” the God who sees you. He is aware of your situation and circumstances, and He cares about even the smallest details of your life. “You may feel like you are in a season of walking through fire, but He is standing in those flames beside you, holding your hand. Beautiful things come from refining fire, and diamonds are created from pressure. God may be using a difficult situation in your life to create a precious jewel, or burn off areas of sin that are holding you back from realizing the true calling He has on your life.  Put your faith and trust in Him, and let Him guide you through this season. Daily plug into the power source that will give you the strength you need in order to endure. You may not understand why you are facing the trial that is before you, but know that in the end, God can take all things and work them for good… for those who love Him, and are called according to His purpose.”

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