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How God’s Love, Power and Forgiveness Inspired This Artist’s Artwork

How God’s Love, Power and Forgiveness Inspired This Artist’s Artwork

June Berger, a wife, mother, grandmother, graphic designer, and branding professional turned full-time artist, has always been passionate about art. As an artist, June’s artwork is expressed in various ways. Her design/branding background motivates her to make each painting significant and transmit an idea. Her Christian roots drive her desire to share what she has learned about God from the Old and New Testament passages and her own life. June’s paintings, which combine art and faith, reflect love, peace, forgiveness, hope, and more to help people focus on God and His Word rather than the chaos around them.

As a child, June recalls her growing up in a Christian home in Portland, Oregon. “I was definitely artistic and free-spirited!” she says. As a child, I had all the gifts I have now, but I didn’t know what giftedness was all about.” June gave her life to the Lord and was baptized at seven. At eight years old, she lost her father, leaving her feeling lost and sad. The immediate family now was a fiercely faithful mother and 5 wonderful siblings.

During her teenage years, June’s world revolved around her church friends, and the Jesus movement was a wonderful, Spirit-filled time for her. However, as a young adult, she was busy in ‘the world’ and gave the Lord a casual nod at best. She studied graphic design at the California College of the Arts in San Francisco. “I had the best art training and yet no real success as an artist,” she says. “I wanted to create art and use my gifts but couldn’t make my work look right to my standards. Actually, nothing in my life was working.”

Despite June wandering away, the Lord was faithful and strong. He did not abandon her. Despite her worldly choices and challenges, God’s love drew her back to Him. With the help and discernment of a loving cousin, she rededicated her life to God and learned again about His love, power, and forgiveness. In the process, she became more of the person she was designed to be. As June aligned herself with God, the art began to flow.

II Corinthians 5.17
If anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation. The old has passed away, behold, all things become new.

How do you create your beautiful artwork from start to finish?

In my scripture reading, verses will often jump out at me. Sometimes I hear a word or idea spoken, and the Spirit brings scripture to mind. I write them down and have a list. There is always one that is impressed on me and seems to be ‘the next one‘. I then pray and listen. 

Next comes a sketch – I draw in front of my Bible, at my desk, or wherever I am when I am led. Lots of little pieces of paper everywhere! In marketing the work, I often include the sketch.   

After that, I select the canvas, the shape, and the size that fits what I will paint. After preparing the canvas, I begin to paint. I have the sketch, but where I go with it is driven by the Spirit, the feeling of the scripture, and my own deep connection with my life and love experience with Jesus.

When the painting is complete, I put a little number on the lower right indicating the chapter and verse of the inspiration. Not the book, just the two little numbers. This is a conversation starter should someone ask what the numbers indicate. Finally, I have the painting photographed and then loaded it onto my website.

Psalm 118.24
This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Luke 12.27-31
Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. If then God so clothes the grass, which today is in the field and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will He clothe you, O you of little faith? And do not seek what you should eat or what you should drink, nor have an anxious mind. For all these things the nations of the world seek after, and your Father knows that you need these things. But seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to your life.

Is it true that 100% of the proceeds from your paintings go to a Christian organization?

So exciting! My husband, Michael, is 100% behind our decision to give all of the proceeds to the work of the Lord. God loves a cheerful giver, as the scripture says, and he is one cheerful giver! We love this part. We have everything we need and would like to give as much as possible to help bring people far from God to come near and spread the love of Jesus. The proceeds go to people in full-time Christian ministry! There is so much to be done.

We recently gifted a painting to a young woman who loved it online. We did it because she is passionate about Jesus, and my only request was that she talks about the inspiration behind the painting to others. It was “New Creation I” / inspired by II Corinthians 5.17 – If anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation, the old has passed away, behold, all things become new. The overarching goal of these paintings is to encourage Christ-followers and also, perhaps be conversation starters to help those far from God come near.

Do you have any advice for those with unique gifts but wonder if others in the faith community will embrace or understand that it’s from God?

We live in such a difficult world where there seem to be standards for what is okay, beautiful, or great (or not!) in everything from fashion to looks to careers, etc. It’s important to remember that this world is upside down from what it’s supposed to be. Jesus turns it right side up, piece by piece, as the Spirit works on us, and we become that new creation. 

A person’s God-given unique gift is a beautiful thing to be used! The Lord needs each of us to do our part. The advice would be to lay your loaves and fishes at His feet and let God multiply them. The process is between you and God – it’s not necessary or important to be embraced, understood, or even liked by others. The Lord will open the doors and bring the increase if it’s His plan. I know I’m a broken record, but ‘read your Bible’ and ‘do what you’re told’!! There will always be opposition-it’s the enemy’s job. Stand firm, faithful, and obedient. 

Five years ago, I had surgery for breast cancer. And in the last two years, I’ve had two detached retinas. The enemy can try to stop God’s plans, but no weapon formed against us will prosper. So go for it. God’s got this!

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