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From Darkness to Victory: The Inspirational Journey of Evangelist Mary Harris

From Darkness to Victory: The Inspirational Journey of Evangelist Mary Harris

Evangelist Mary Harris has emerged as a powerful voice of inspiration and resilience through her personal journey of overcoming adversity. From childhood trauma to domestic violence, life-threatening health issues, and the breakdown of her marriage, Harris’s life has been a series of fiery trials. However, instead of succumbing to despair, she has risen above her circumstances with unwavering faith and an unyielding spirit.

Harris refers to herself as the “poster child for every woman,” as she has faced many challenges that many can relate to. “I’ve experienced childhood sexual trauma, domestic violence, life-threatening health issues, suicidal attempts, but my failing marriage and subsequent separation and divorce almost destroyed me in totality,” she says.

Harris’s story is one of survival and transformation. She has not only endured these trials but has also emerged stronger and more determined to make a difference in the lives of others. It was this strength and determination that led Harris to become a co-author in the “Faith for Fiery Trials” book project. In the project’s first volume, she shares her personal story of triumph over adversity, offering a beacon of hope to those facing their own struggles.

Harris’s chapter in the book encompasses the theme of triumphing over challenges with faith, capturing the essence of her journey and the power of her testimony. “When you’re in the dark, you can’t see the light, but you know the light is there somewhere,” Harris shares. “In spite of being in a place of darkness, our faith tells us there is light, and we will see it again on the other side called victory.” This powerful statement embodies the unwavering belief that even in the darkest moments, faith can guide us toward the light of victory. Harris’s story serves as a reminder that faith is not about seeing the light but rather about trusting that it is there, waiting to be revealed.

Faith has played a significant role in Harris’s ability to overcome challenges throughout her life. Her unwavering trust in God gave her the strength to face each trial head-on, knowing that she was never alone in her battles. Harris firmly states, “I didn’t have faith in myself when I faced the many mountains, but I had faith in God that He was with me through it all.” Harris believes that if God is with her, she will never fight alone, never be outnumbered, and always emerge victorious.

Through her contribution to the “Faith for Fiery Trials” book project, Harris hopes to inspire readers to find hope and strength in their own lives. She wants them to understand that they are not alone in their struggles and that God is always present, fighting alongside them, even when it may seem otherwise. Harris’s story serves as a reminder that emerging from the darkness and finding victory is possible and a testament to the power of faith.

In addition to her role as a co-author, Harris is deeply involved in her business and ministry endeavors. As the Regional Director of Women of Exchange Empowerment, Divine Exchange Ministry, Inc., she dedicates her time and efforts to serving women and children in underserved communities. Her ministries focus on providing a Christ-centered approach to healing, empowerment, and encouragement, particularly for those affected by domestic violence, substance abuse, and socio-economic disadvantages.

Harris sees her business and ministry as platforms to share her faith and inspire others to overcome their own trials. Her God-given gift of being an encourager allows her to uplift and inspire others through preaching engagements, speaking events, and her social media presence. Through platforms like Dvine Beauti’s “Just A Thought,” “Morning Motivation,” “Afternoon Affirmation,” and “Evening Encouragement,” she uses her voice to share stories of overcoming adversity and to spread God’s love and purpose for our pain.

In a world filled with various belief systems, Harris believes that the Christian faith stands apart when it comes to finding strength and resilience in the face of adversity. The ultimate example of strength and resilience can be found in Jesus Christ, who endured immense suffering but emerged victorious. This example allows Christians to trust in a living Father, knowing that they too can find the strength to overcome any adversity they face.

Evangelist Mary Harris’s story is a testament to the power of faith, resilience, and the ability to transform trials into triumphs. Her journey serves as a beacon of hope for those facing their own fiery trials, reminding them that they are not alone and that victory is possible through unwavering faith.

For those seeking to continue learning from Harris’s journey and experiences in faith, she can be found on various social media platforms as @realdvinebeauti. Additionally, she can be reached for speaking engagements and inquiries at

To learn more about Women of Exchange Empowerment, Divine Exchange Ministry, Inc., or Dvine Beauti Ministries, individuals can contact Harris at

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