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Finding God Through Uncertainty: How Sheya L. Chisenga Inspires Christian Women

Finding God Through Uncertainty: How Sheya L. Chisenga Inspires Christian Women

Many would find it hard to believe that Sheya L. Chisenga, founder of It’s My Time to Rise Business Institute for Women Leaders and the creator of The Woman Christian CEO, struggled with her identity while growing up as a pastor’s daughter. Her parents were leaders within the community, raising Sheya with a different mindset from children she knew. “My parents were not your typical leaders, and because of that, they faced a lot of backlash from other Christians who didn’t quite understand their unique calling,” says Sheya. 

She loved growing up in a Christian home but wanted more for herself than being a preacher’s daughter. Her struggle to find her true self wasn’t completely internal. Sheya went above and beyond in search of her purpose and distinct qualities, but that brought its own set of challenges. “This led me down a path of seeking validation from sources that honestly meant me harm.” Her self-esteem was at an all-time low, and a lack of self-confidence left her soul and her spirit deeply wounded. 

Never did she imagine that the hardships and identity crisis were God’s way of leading her to a life of purpose and influence. The obstacles were opportunities, and the hurtful experiences were stepping stones for Sheya as she turned her life around at 28 and discovered what she was meant to do! 

“It was time for me to discover God’s plan for my life, away from the familiar and what I thought were failures.” 

When this realization hit her, she left the comfort of Michigan and moved to California, stepping out on faith to seek something significant. “Of course, I did get a lot of push back from my family, but looking back I could see that this was all because the old Sheya had set a pattern of “not finishing what I had started” and always being fearful of the unknown. Fear has a way of crippling people to stunt their destiny’s.” But she didn’t let the old fears hold her back. She adds: “I felt in my heart that something greater was out there for me, and I was willing to take the risk to go after it.” To this day, she thinks moving to California was the best decision of her life!

Away from the home she always knew, Sheya discovered herself and embarked on a journey of healing designed by God for her. She says, “I began to know God for myself as a healer & provider.” It strengthened her relationship with Him, making her realize He was not angry with her and wanted her to have the best. 

Through her profound faith, Sheya came to know that preaching was more than being an evangelist or a missionary. “God wants us to infiltrate the marketplace to be a witness and show His love to others.” Finally finding her purpose and meaning in life, she founded The Woman Christian CEO, a place for faith-based coaching and leadership training to empower women who’ve been through challenging experiences in life. Her own search for identity helped her understand women who seek something similar. “They know that God has called them to greatness, but because they found their identity in other areas it has hindered them from going to the next level in their life and business,” says Sheya.

Sheya also created The Woman Christian CEO Facebook community for women who desire to earn $10,000+ in their coaching business doing what they love, and are called and chosen to do in the marketplace. According to Sheya these are women who may work a 9-to-5 but they have a goal to become full-time and/or work towards retiring so that they can fully walk in their calling as coaches or consultants. “ I honestly don’t look at it as just the typical Facebook “community”, our group is truly a family, and this is what makes it unique. Many of our ladies have extended their communication to meeting up, supporting each other at events, and even in their coaching programs.” Sheya is proud of the community she has helped build, for it’s something that extends beyond her vision and caters to the dreams and aspirations of other women leaders. 

To celebrate such women, Sheya has published a book titled The Woman Christian CEO LeadHERship Volume II: 19 Stories of Confident and Audacious Women Building Business God’s Way. In this particular book compilation, readers will have an opportunity to hear from other coaches who have experienced stories of
transformation and also the principles they’ve learned along the way. There are stories of triumphs and overcoming obstacles as well as women who have experienced transitions that lead them to becoming coaches and consultants. “These stories are truly inspirational, and I guarantee the reader will walk away with a blueprint for their life and business as a result of reading this book,” says Sheya. Sheya also share that she’s been doing these compilations for the last 7 years. “This one is very special to me because it is my last one as we are now going to
upgrading our program to teaching other coaches how to have their own book compilations. Book compilations catapulted my business in many ways so I want to teach and help others to do the same.”

Sheya is proud of the women who pursue God’s plan and follow the path set out by God. “Any other path that you attempt to take will lead to distractions and will ultimately cause you to miss out on the plan that God really has for you,” it’s the advice she gives to every woman attempting to change her life. When asked how to stay focused on His plan, Sheya says, “The way that you do this is by spending time in prayer and meditation; knowing that He desires for you to know Him and learn to depend wholeheartedly on Him.”

Want to know more about Sheya L. Chisenga?

Please visit or direct your queries to or (916) 339-6122.

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