Felicia Renee Shakespeare: A Today’s Purpose Woman to Watch in 2025

Felicia Renee Shakespeare is a visionary leader, TEDx speaker, and two-time bestselling author whose life mission is to inspire others to discover their identity, embrace their purpose, and unleash their power. As the Founder and CEO of A Purpose Driven Woman, Felicia has built a transformative platform that equips women with the tools and resources to thrive both personally and professionally, helping them create impactful brands from the inside out.
With several decades of experience in business and education, Felicia’s career is a testament to excellence, equity, and resilience. Her achievements have earned her prestigious accolades, including the 2024 President’s Lifetime Achievement Award, the Global Woman Inspirational Award in London, the Redefine Possible Leadership Award from the WNBA Chicago Sky, and the FWD (For Women and Diversity) Award.
We sat down with Felicia to learn more about her passion for purpose-driven living, her journey of leadership, and how she continues to inspire others to build lives of intention and impact.
What led you to pursue your calling, and how has your faith shaped that journey?
The first thing that comes to mind when asked this question is the scripture in Matthew 22:14: “Many are called, but few are chosen.” It all changed for me when I first made the decision to answer the call of salvation as a young girl growing up in the City of Chicago, this is when I accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour! Because of that decision the trajectory of my left went down a particular path that would have not otherwise been possible. While many others are also called, the difference lies in answering God’s call! Life tends to have a snowball effect and as I grew in my relationship with the lord everything else grew around me. God continually has shaped my life, path and purpose. We literally are molded and made into what God wants us to become when we choose to provide him with a surrendered life. I am not self-made, I’m God made! As a born again believer my faith in God has only been strengthened over the years to excel in areas. My desire has always been to max out on all of my God given gifts. Part of my calling has been to the ministry and part to the marketplace (a duality). It is truly a privilege to be “called” by God to do anything and given the gift of life to execute! I take nothing for granted. I never take the calling of GOD lightly!
Can you share an experience that has profoundly impacted your life and those you serve?
Accepting Christ again has had the most profound impact on my life. It framed the way I began to approach everything in my life both personally and professionally. The totality of who we are and what we do should match.This is a fulfilled purpose. How I handle everyday life stems from my belief system (or core values). The way I learned to approach how I treat others, including family, colleagues or complete strangers has been based on the belief system that has been shaped by biblical principles. How I have approached my career choices and entrepreneurial endeavors have all been based on this. To help change anyone’s life—be it through a prayer, a prophetic word, or a podcast, it stems from sharing in season! It’s about moving with God in the moment in order to make an indelible impact. I’m not perfect, but I have relied on the one who is!
In what ways do you feel your work is making a difference in the lives of women and families in your community?
As William Shakespeare said so eloquently years ago, “What’s in a name?” The reputation that we create and exude makes the most difference. For me the sauce has been simply “being.” Being a woman of my word, being someone who strives daily to practice what I’m preaching, being the daughter, sister, fighter, overcomer. People have seen themselves in me. When I first named my business for example, it was not A Purpose Driven Woman. But as I walked out obedience and doing the work( the book, conference, podcast) I had an epiphany. I realized that the exact name of my conference represented who I actually was! I realized “I am her, I am a purpose driven woman.” Now I help women and growth minded individuals build their brands by connecting to their purpose! I believe my business and those in my community circle are impacted by how I choose to live. People are not moved by what you say but by what you do!
How do you balance your personal life, faith, and ministry or business responsibilities, and what advice would you give to others?
The greatest way I balance my personal life, faith, and ministry or business responsibilities is through prioritization. We must determine where our attention is needed daily and in the moment. My overarching foundational framework as a believer is to put God first! As Matthew 6:33 (KJV) states, “Seek ye first…” and Proverbs 3:5-6 (MSG) encourages: “Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.” I take these scriptures “literally” (i.e. Lord, what thing should I do first this morning? etc.) These principles have been a guiding force for me. It’s not always easy, but it’s the foundation I continually return to.
Who are the women in ministry or business that inspire you, and how have they influenced your own path?
Ministry: My Mom is my number one inspiration as a woman in ministry. She is a Pastor and Apostle. I’ve seen her walk the walk and talk the talk for decades with grace and integrity, fully dedicated to God. I’ve just seen her live! She always taught and encouraged me to live my life! The greatest encouragement was “never to wait on other people.” I probably would not have done half the things I’ve done in my life or been to so many places had I not been taught this. Another inspiration, whom I would love to meet one day is Dr. Cindy Trimm. She is unapologetic about all of who she is in God and in her achievements in business, life and ministry. She is also a model of a Woman of God who has and IS living full out! (in all her gifts..) I admire that!
What legacy do you hope to leave within your community as a woman in ministry or business?
My desire is to show others that it “can be done” (ALL of it) through a surrendered life to the Lord. You can have the personal peace you desire, the things that you desire and be genuinely successful putting God first! My life has been full of experiences—many highs and some lows—overcoming devastating tragedy while seeing the fulfillment and favor of God time and time again as He’s promised me. Reality and faith are two different dynamics. I want to leave a legacy marked by resilience, perseverance and proof of what God can do. I want to show that God’s way is the best decision, (not sometimes) but always! We are all faced with life decisions on a daily basis, and I want my decisions to demonstrate that God’s way may not always be easy or popular, but it is indeed the best path to follow when all is said and done!
Is there anything else you would like to share?
I’m excited about this new season of what is truly possible~! Each new year brings excitement and wonder because it’s something new and fresh. My desire is that 2025 be the year of moving from promise to possession. From potential to fulfilment. I believe this is going to be the best year of our lives! If we trust and obey God, there is nothing that we can’t see come to pass for us as we continue to walk by faith and not by sight. This is the year of MANIFESTATION!