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Dr. Toni Brown is Chasing Purpose

Dr. Toni Brown is Chasing Purpose

In the sun-drenched paradise of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, where the gentle caress of waves meets the golden sands, Dr. Toni Brown finds her happy place. “This is my true happy place,” she says with a serene smile, her gaze sweeping across the tranquil seascape, taking in the sun, sand, and water. “Here, I pause, invest in myself, connect with God, and sharpen my superpowers.” Her superpowers? They include a mix of unyielding faith, tenacious drive, and life experiences. 

Dr. Toni Brown was born in the humble town of Monticello, Arkansas, and was raised by parents who endured the Great Depression. They taught her the importance of honoring and loving God, focusing on higher education, and embracing the power of entrepreneurship.

“Community, resilience, education, gratitude, humility, empathy, and a strong moral compass are the values and beliefs that have shaped my worldview, decision-making, and interactions with others. These have led to a life that emphasizes practicality, community, and resilience.”

Dr. Brown’s spiritual journey began at a young age, with the church constantly present in her life. She recalls the packed Sundays filled with Sunday school, regular services, and evening worship. Wednesdays were for Bible study, and Saturdays were for choir rehearsals. She never missed Vacation Bible School or Baptist Training Union events. This early exposure laid the foundation for her unwavering commitment to her spirituality.

A pivotal moment in her spiritual journey emerged during a Wednesday Bible study with her pastor, Rev. Henry F. Richardson. “He spoke of the devil and eternal damnation,” she recalls. Curious, she asked, “Where did the devil come from?” The pastor explained that God had cast the devil out of heaven, banishing him to hell forever. Her next question was profound: “If God loves us so much, why create such a bad place?”

Pastor Richardson, taken aback by such a profound question from a ten-year-old, responded with care. He explained that the devil was a fallen angel who used his free will to rebel against God. Hell, he said, is the ultimate separation from God, a state chosen by those who reject divine love. “From that moment on, I made a conscious decision to choose God every day through my words, actions, behavior, and unconditional love for others,” she explains. This pivotal moment has significantly shaped Dr. Brown’s journey. 

Today, Dr. Brown is a powerhouse servant leader at Victory Station Ministries (VSM). She is also the founder and CEO of The A. Patrice Group, LLC, and has been a business executive in the biotech industry for over 25 years. She currently serves as the healthcare director for an organization headquartered in the Silicon Valley area.

Dr. Brown stands alongside her husband, Pastor Craig Brown, at Victory Station Ministries. “My passion lies in empowering individuals to discover and fulfill their God-given purposes,” she says. “Regardless of their socio-economic status, my focus is to guide people to Christ. I firmly believe that while we all fall short of God’s glory, our past should not dictate our future. God’s love for us transcends our imperfections.”

Before founding Victory Station Ministries, Dr. Brown shared that her husband was a former youth and associate pastor in the early 2000s. “My husband, the charismatic Pastor Craig Brown, has always been an active member of his church community,” she says. “He played a pivotal role in launching New Wineskin Ministries International in 2001 in Indianapolis, IN.” 

However, during their summer vacation in Greece in 2022, Dr. Brown says the Lord once again spoke to her husband, prompting the launch of Victory Station Ministries in Irving, TX. “As his supportive wife, I naturally asked, ‘Are you certain that God has called you to start this church?’ After his reassurance that this was God’s plan, I wholeheartedly committed myself to the endeavor.”

The sole mission of Victory Station Ministries is to lead as many souls to Christ as the Holy Spirit allows before the Lord returns to bring His church/bride to their heavenly reward. “Victory Station Ministries aim to embrace those who have felt alienated by traditional church environments. We welcome all to come as they are, for God has prepared a special place “at His table” (Luke 14:23) with each person’s name on it.”

Dr. Brown’s entrepreneurial spirit shines through as the founder and CEO of A. Patrice Group LLC, inspired by her father’s real estate success. Her father excelled in building multiple streams of income through real estate and various business ventures while maintaining a full-time job. “His ability to balance these pursuits and achieve success motivated me to follow in his footsteps,” she says.

The A. Patrice Group is a vehicle for multiple businesses under one umbrella. Dr. Brown’s pursuits encompass real estate, where she is a licensed realtor and investor. She also imparts knowledge as an adjunct professor at a local community college. However, Dr. Toni Brown’s consulting, facilitating, speaking, and coaching firm is the centerpiece of her entrepreneurial endeavors. “This firm is the culmination of my passion for helping others, combining my skills and experiences to offer comprehensive consulting and coaching services.” 

Through the A. Patrice Group, Dr. Brown aims to inspire and empower others just as her father inspired her. “I strive to create opportunities for growth and success in various fields, driven by faith, determination, and a commitment to making a meaningful impact on the lives of others,” she says. “Ultimately, the creation of the A. Patrice Group is not just a business endeavor but a calling to serve and uplift others, reflecting the values of hard work, faith, and excellence that have guided me throughout my journey.”

Dr. Toni Brown is a beacon of inspiration in ministry and entrepreneurship. Her philosophy centers on authenticity, purposeful contributions, and living in alignment with core values. “I believe in the power of authenticity and creating a life that reflects one’s principles,” she declares. “By sharing my experiences, education, and faith, I aim to inspire and empower others to make a lasting impact.”

Seek inspiration, motivation, or connection with this extraordinary soul. Reach out to Dr. Toni Brown via email (, Instagram (@ladytonibrown), or her website ( Join her transformative journey and discover how you can impact the world.

This article appears in the Summer 2024 issue of TODAY’S PURPOSE WOMAN.

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