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Dr. Regina Martin: A Trailblazing Woman of Faith and Politics

Dr. Regina Martin: A Trailblazing Woman of Faith and Politics

Dr. Regina Martin is a trailblazing woman of Faith who wears many hats and has achieved great success in various fields. Dr. Martin is a force to be reckoned with as a devoted mother, apostle, serial entrepreneur, and the newly-elected vice mayor. Her dedication to healing and creating safe spaces for leaders and frontline women is evident in everything she does. She is also the senior pastor at the Embassy Church of South Florida, where she has been serving for over 12 years.

On November 21, 2022, Dr. Regina Martin made history as the first African American Caribbean Woman elected Vice Mayor in Broward County. Her desire to be more involved in the community drove her decision to run for the position. As a spiritual leader, she understands the importance of having a voice in the secular arena, and she believes that being a politician can help her make a greater impact and bring positive change to the community.

Dr. Martin is a voice for the hopeless and is honored to have the opportunity to speak for the majority. “It is a humbling experience to be welcomed to the table to make decisions for 47,000 residents,” she says. Despite being a politician, Dr. Martin maintains her Christian foundation and relies on God to guide her decision-making in her role and daily business work. However, being a spiritual leader in the office of the vice mayor has its challenges. Dr. Martin has experienced fear of judgment and pushback but remains steadfast in her faith and purpose.

Walking in purpose and God’s power comes at a cost, and Dr. Martin understands this all too well. She believes that sacrifice and suffering are involved, but the reward of fulfilling one’s God-given purpose is worth it.

Dr. Martin offers advice to the women who aspire to walk in their purpose and God’s power: “Remember that opposition comes with the territory. You are anointed for this, and your labor is never in vain. What you have made happen for others, God will make it happen for you.”

Dr. Martin also emphasizes the importance of protecting one’s mental health. She listens to her body and paces herself, taking time to decompress and recharge. Getting away to read a book, sleep, and listen to some of her favorite songs or speakers is therapeutic for her.

Dr. Regina Martin is a trailblazing woman of Faith and politics whose humility, resilience, and commitment to her purpose inspire us all. As she continues to make history and impact her community, we can’t help but smile at the amazing things God is using her to accomplish during such a critical time.

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