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Dr. Markeba Warfield is Breaking Barriers in the World of Education

Dr. Markeba Warfield is Breaking Barriers in the World of Education

Sitting in the heart of Texas, we find Dr. Markeba Warfield, an educator who’s breaking barriers and reshaping the leadership narrative in our education system. This is a story of resilience, determination, and the power of representation. With a career of over 24 years, she is a 6A high school principal, a wife of 19 years, and a mother to five daughters. 

“I am a proud product of Texarkana, Arkansas, and an educator of over 24 years,” Dr. Warfield says, her voice filled with an undeniable passion for her work. As a first-generation college student, she embodies the determination and tenacity that have driven her to overcome the odds stacked against her. “I was not supposed to make ‘it.’ But, I did,” Dr. Warfield reveals, her voice laced with a quiet strength.

Her upbringing, deeply rooted in the South, taught her humility, respect, and the need to prove herself. “I was taught to be humble, to mind my manners, to not show off or be too flashy, and to be twice as good as my counterparts,” she shares. These lessons, ingrained in her from a young age, have shaped how Dr. Warfield leads, even though she admits, “Moving into leadership, it was difficult to figure out how those lessons would manifest into my administrative position.”

When asked about her inspiration to become an educator, Dr. Warfield simply says, “I thought I would be good at it.” There was no magical moment, no life-changing event that pushed her towards education. Instead, it was a simple belief in her own abilities that set her on this path.

Dr. Warfield’s philosophy in teaching is deeply rooted in a song she heard as a child. “If I have done all I can do to help someone, then my living will not be in vain,” she recites, her voice filled with conviction. “My goal is to give them the avenue to be who and what they desire to be or ever dreamt they could be.”

However, her journey has not been without its challenges. As a black woman in a leadership role, she often finds herself being misinterpreted, especially by those inexperienced with women, black women in leadership. “Because I know that it is convenient to claim that I am aggressive or too assertive, I counter by displaying ‘joy’ in my tone and demeanor,” she explains. What started as a defense mechanism is now her secret weapon to maintain her calm, no matter the storm around her.

Dr. Warfield’s triumphs are many, but one stands out above all else – her children. “I am the birth mother to 2 girls and bonus mom to 3, my kids are my greatest win. They are healthy, happy, and secure despite my long days and demanding career,” she says, her eyes sparkling with pride and love.

She firmly believes in the power of representation. “I represent a college first-generation, black, female, Christian leader with a doctorate, an involved nuclear family, and an active social life,” she declares. Dr. Warfield hopes that her students and others see her and realize that they can achieve whatever they set their minds to.

Dr. Warfield’s advice to other educators navigating their own path is as straightforward as powerful. “Do everything in the spirit of excellence, not only for you but those that follow you,” she advises. 

Beyond her educator role, Dr. Warfield is a contributing author to the ‘Centering Our Voices’ anthology. A project she was drawn to as a way to share her story and contribute to the literary world. “This anthology seemed perfect to share my story, or at least a snippet of it,” she says. She believes the book will resonate with women in any profession, especially black women in education.

Her chapter, ‘I am enough,’ encapsulates a mantra that she hopes will inspire other educators. It’s a narrative about a particular moment as a new principal that created a whirlwind of emotions – triumph, pride, satisfaction, anger, fear, and doubt. 

Dr. Warfield believes the book will serve as a beacon of hope within the education community, sharing experiences that resonate with others. “In the educational realm, the work is heavy. I believe you need to use every resource around you to continue growing, striving, and thriving towards YOUR greatness,” she affirms.

Her story is not just about triumph and resilience; it’s about breaking barriers and carving out a new narrative for black women in education. Dr. Markeba Warfield is a testament to the power of representation, the importance of resilience, and the transformative impact of a single belief: “I am enough.” And with that, she’s just getting started.

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  • Dr. Warfield is one of the greatest mentors I’ve ever had! She is absolutely amazing and a beautiful gift to education.

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