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Dr. Faith Abraham, Serial Entrepreneur and Master Life Coach

Dr. Faith Abraham, Serial Entrepreneur and Master Life Coach

Dr. Faith Abraham, affectionately known as “Your Favorite Doctor,” is a serial entrepreneur and master life coach, helping women tap into their genius to make more money and live on their own terms. Interestingly, she does this through the power of life coaching certification and online business.

Dr. Faith’s passion for helping women tap into their genius derives from her experience of being overqualified and underpaid. “I’ve followed the traditional advice of going to school, getting a degree and getting a good job. The problem was I could not secure a ‘good job.’ I was offered jobs at $9 an hour despite my degree. As I continued with my Master’s and Ph.D., I still could not secure a job that would pay me what I was worth. I was consistently overqualified and underpaid.” In 2016, Dr. Faith decided she wanted to put her Ph.D. to use and started her coaching and counseling business. 

How do you view your work as a vocation—a call from and a duty to God?

I believe that my work as an entrepreneur (or even if I had the typical career) is a call from God because no matter where I go, I represent the kingdom. No matter what I do, I represent the kingdom. So the kingdom doesn’t stop flowing through me just because I’m an entrepreneur, or I’m at work or at the grocery store. I do everything I do with excellence because before I serve the people, I serve God first, and He likes things to be done with excellence. 

How does your work impact the lives of others?

My work impacts the lives of others because I help them tap into the divine genius God gave them to do and use. It’s the things God has given to them to live a fulfilling, rewarding life, thus creating a life that is an example of the goodness of God. I believe in being able to make an impact AND income at the same time. If you think about that on a large scale, that means everyone will eventually be impacted positively!

Describe a time when you had to trust God and walk by faith or when you sought God’s guidance for a decision regarding your business.

There was a time early in my business when I wanted to increase my prices because I was high in demand, and I felt the time was right. One evening, I had a dream where my cousin introduced me to a couple, and I assisted them right there on the spot and told them my price. It wasn’t the price I was charging at the time but the new price I was considering. My cousin asked me, “Oh! Why would you charge them that?” I explained it to her, and she said, “That makes sense, and it’s a good deal.” The next day, I changed my prices! I believe that dream was from God, confirming exactly what I needed to do.

What is the go-to scripture that encourages you as a woman of faith in business?

Matthew 6:33 is my go-to scripture. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all of these things will be added onto you. Seeking the kingdom of God is an entrepreneur serving others with integrity, excellence and sincerity. As you serve others, you make way for God to do great and mighty things through you, in you, and for you. For those I am called to serve an impact in this season, we were created for such a time as this

What message do you want to relay to those you are called to serve and impact this season?

With everything going on in the world, this season will require us to walk by faith, not sight. But God’s principles remain true; you always reap what you sow. When you sow into yourself, into your business, you will reap the benefits and the rewards of that. With the current atmosphere being what it is, it is a bit more challenging; however, that is when having faith in God’s ability is needed even more. Wherever there is faith, God is on the scene. It’s time to take what you have and allow God to impact others through you. It’s time to be a good steward over everything He has given you. I help my clients do exactly that. 

How can readers contact you?You can find me via Instagram @DrFaith or on my website at, where I have a free quiz 

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