Dr. Altheresa Goode Howard Is Shaping A New Generation Of Empowered Leaders

Dr. Altheresa Goode Howard just wrapped up another interview before hopping on the conference line with me. Her powerful voice was full of energy and captivating, and I could still sense her enthusiasm.
The Apostle, bestselling author, radio personality, and founder of The Master’s “Next Dimension” Church, was calling from Lancaster, SC. “Today the sun is out and shining, just like the S.O.N. is always shining,” she says when I ask about the weather there. We both laugh.
This is an exciting time for Dr. Altheresa, particularly because she recently launched a record label and partnered with Revival Music Company to record and release the first single of her worship team, NexDimension Worship. The single, titled “I’m Ready,” is a powerful worship anthem that conveys a message of hope and inspires readiness for spiritual renewal.
“The Holy Spirit led me to have our worship team record I’m Ready,” Dr. Altheresa shares. “This song is a declaration and a response to our spirit sensing that God has so much more for us. We must believe that the Father has everything for us, and we are ready by surrendering to His will.”
Hearing about how faithful God has been to Dr. Altheresa, I was eager to hear about her 40-year journey as a servant of God. “There’s a lot that God has called and assigned me to do, but one of the most important things is being a born-again child of God because that’s where it all started.” I listened intently. “My first encounter was at 19, when God rescued me from all the dysfunction, hurt, and pain I was going through—the molestation, sickness, and illness,” she recalls. “God healed me, delivered me, saved me, and then, a year later, called and sent me into ministry.”

Dr. Altheresa has become a prominent leader to leaders, overseeing pastors and churches while utilizing her spiritual gifts to pray, prophesy, preach, and teach the gospel. Additionally, she equips women in business and ministry to fulfill God’s will for their lives through her “Royal Women Rising” encounters and “Royal Sis Club. At the heart of her ministry is a deep desire to empower the next generation of kingdom leaders. “I believe my greatest assignment now is helping to develop the people God is raising to serve His kingdom. He has called me to encourage, equip, and empower His people.”
What about your ministry style or approach? I ask. She pauses and then with conviction she shares, “I didn’t learn, I didn’t get trained to do it a particular way. My desire is simply to have the heart of God, hear from God, and share whatever He wants me to share with whomever. I’m just willing to flow with the Holy Spirit.” This willingness to be led by the Spirit has been a hallmark of Dr. Altheresa’s ministry and has borne remarkable fruit. Through her work, she has seen countless lives transformed as people have encountered the power of God’s presence, the depth of His love, and the life-changing reality of His Word.
To further her Kingdom assignment, Dr. Altheresa has committed herself to also writing books, recognizing that in a post-2020 world, her outreach must extend beyond the four walls of the church. Her latest book, I’m Ready for More: How to Tap into God’s Unlimited Possibility, reflects her belief that faith is the “currency” of the kingdom. “Romans 10:17 states, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” In her book, Dr. Altheresa equips readers with tools to grow their faith, empowering them to witness God’s power manifest in their lives.
Dr. Altheresa is committed to seeing God’s glory revealed on earth as His people rise to become His extensions in a world in need. “This will be achieved not by seeking outward signs or mystical experiences but by letting God’s glory be revealed through us,” she says. “As more of His people connect with Him and allow Him to lead, His glory will shine in every area of our lives—at work, school, business, or even at grocery stores and gas stations.”
However, Dr. Altheresa has also observed a concerning trend within the body of Christ: standards have occasionally been lowered. “We need to raise the standards again—not only by living according to the Word and not compromising but also by embracing it fully in our daily lives. We should believe in God for the greatest manifestations of His presence, power, and glory. God wants to reveal Himself to us in greater ways so He can reveal Himself through us.”
Her inspiring message highlights the powerful work God is executing through her life and ministry. In times that often feel hopeless, her message of faith, empowerment, and the manifestation of God’s glory is a guiding light, inviting others to embrace the hope of Christ and a brighter future ahead.
If you are interested in learning more about Dr. Altheresa Goode Howard, you can visit her website at www.Altheresa.com or find her on social media platforms using the usernames @altheresag, @royalsisclub, and @GodEmpoweredLife. Additionally, she has a YouTube channel called “God Empowered Life”. For ministry engagements, prayer, and interviews, please contact her via email at godempoweredlife@gmail.com.