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CEO Spotlight: A Journey to Optimal Health with Terry Bell, the Nutritionist

CEO Spotlight: A Journey to Optimal Health with Terry Bell, the Nutritionist

In this week’s Today’s Purpose Woman CEO Spotlight, we delve into the life and journey of Terry Bell, a dedicated nutritionist and cooking coach, who has found her purpose in guiding others towards a healthier lifestyle. With her vibrant personality and wealth of knowledge, Terry’s story is an inspiring testament to the transformative power of food.

Terry’s life has always revolved around family and sports. As a mother of two boys, she experienced firsthand the importance of nutrition in supporting an active lifestyle. Today, she finds joy in spending time with her ten grandchildren and one great-grandchild, cherishing every opportunity to nurture them with wholesome meals.

When asked about her philosophy on the connection between food and overall health, Terry confidently quotes Hippocrates: “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” She firmly believes that our bodies are shaped by the food we consume and that nutrients are essential for optimal health. Terry highlights the detrimental effects of processed foods, animal products, and dairy on our well-being, backed by extensive research. “The body needs nutrients (which are the nourishments needed for optimal health) and food supplies essential nutrients that could potentially cause or prevent us from illnesses and/or diseases. Research has shown that processed foods, animal products and dairy are linked to an unhealthy body, ” Terry shares.

But Terry’s journey towards a whole food plant-based diet was not solely driven by scientific evidence. As a woman of faith, Terry follows the Clean Food Law outlined in Leviticus 11. She adopted a lifestyle that aligns with her spiritual beliefs, embracing alkaline water and eliminating pork, seafood, and dairy from her diet. Working alongside a nutritionist further deepened her understanding of the benefits of a whole food plant-based approach, leading her to fully embrace this lifestyle seven years ago.

As a nutritionist and educator, Terry is committed to dispelling common misconceptions about healthy eating. She addresses the misconception that animal meat is necessary for protein. “It is taught that we need animal meat for protein, but that is not so. Animal products are the root cause of some, if not most illnesses. Terry shares that protein can be found in plant foods. She also shares that Dairy products are not good for our bodies as well. “Most hormone-driven cancers (breast, uterine, prostate, ovarian) are linked to dairy products,” she says. “I educate families on how to prepare their meals in a simpler, yet faster way, retaining the phytonutrients (enzymes, antioxidants, minerals, nutrients, vitamins and fiber) that are needed in our food for optimal health.”

What sets Terry apart is her ability to cater to the unique needs of different groups. With classes like “Food Addiction 911” and “African American Nutrition,” she tailors her curriculum to address specific concerns and lifestyles. By providing practical tips and strategies, Terry ensures that her clients can truly revamp their kitchens for healthier meal preps.

Terry’s spirituality has played a pivotal role in her role as a nutritionist and educator. She believes in spreading the truth and challenging societal norms. Drawing from her spiritual teachings, Terry aims to educate others about the importance of research and discovering the truth for themselves. She sees her work as a vessel for spreading knowledge and empowering individuals to take charge of their health.

When it comes to practical work with clients, Terry’s extensive background in nutrition shines through. With over 500+ training hours and numerous certifications, she brings a wealth of knowledge to each session. However, Terry’s approach is flexible, adapting to her clients’ unique needs and desires. She understands that effective communication and providing tools and resources are as vital as imparting nutritional knowledge.

Terry’s commitment to promoting healthy living extends beyond her individual practice. Through her involvement in professional networks like ForbesBLK and the International Society of Female Professionals, she utilizes these platforms to advocate for the importance of nutrition and healthy living. Terry seizes every opportunity to speak about the significance of food and its preparation in fostering longevity and ideal health.

Balancing professional commitments, spiritual practices, and personal life can be challenging, but Terry is a time-management maestro. Her love for her work, family, and herself keeps her on track, and she relies on calendars to ensure she stays organized.

Terry’s own career transition from a Word Processor to a Nutritionist offers valuable insight for those contemplating a change later in life. She advises following one’s heart and pursuing what brings true happiness. When helping others becomes a passion, work doesn’t feel like work. Terry reminds us that making a difference in the lives of others brings its own rewards.

Terry’s passion lies in educating families about the importance of food and how to retain the minerals and nutrients needed to protect and heal our bodies, as intended by a higher power. Her journey is a testament to the transformative power of nutrition and the remarkable impact it can have on our lives. Terry’s commitment to spreading knowledge and empowering others makes her a true inspiration in the field of nutrition and a beacon of hope for those seeking healthier living.

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