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Author Carol McLeod: Inspiring Faith and Resilience in a Broken World

Author Carol McLeod: Inspiring Faith and Resilience in a Broken World

In Edmond, Oklahoma, where the summers are sweltering and the winters mild, Carol McLeod has cultivated a life of deep faith, unwavering resilience, and boundless love. Sitting in her favorite room of the house—her upstairs office adorned with cherished family photographs and an impressive collection of 4,000 books—McLeod crafts works that inspire and uplift. As she tells me, “I love my office. It’s very peaceful.”

Raised in a Christian home, McLeod’s life mission was clear from an early age. “I always wanted to serve Jesus,” she shares. Initially envisioning a future limited to traditional roles for women, her eyes were opened during college to the possibilities of service. “I really began to pray that the Lord would use me as a voice,” she recalls. And indeed, she found that voice, becoming a beacon of hope and faith for many.

Her journey wasn’t without its trials. McLeod is a cancer survivor and has faced the heart-wrenching loss of five babies. “I was gut-wrenchingly depressed,” she admits. Yet, amidst this pain, she found solace and strength in the Bible. “The Bible delivered me from that dark, dark place before my circumstances ever changed,” she says. Her profound connection to scripture has since become a cornerstone of her ministry, urging others to turn to faith in their darkest hours.

McLeod’s latest book, Overflowing: Living Abundantly in a Broken Culture, is a testament to her enduring faith and desire to guide others to a life of joy and hope. “It’s a deep dive into the book of Colossians in the New Testament,” she explains. Paul’s letter to the church at Colossae, with its emphasis on focusing solely on Jesus, resonates powerfully today. “There are so many dynamic truths in the book of Colossians that are going to help us live in an abundant way,” she says.

McLeod’s message is clear in a world fraught with political discord, economic instability, and pervasive negativity. “The only way to a truly fulfilling and abundant life is through the hope and the power of Jesus Christ,” she asserts. Her book, supplemented by seven teaching downloads, is designed for everyone—from Sunday school classes to college dormitory Bible studies.

A prolific communicator, McLeod reaches her audience through various platforms. Her weekly blog, “Joy for the Journey,” is among the top 50 faith blogs for women. Her podcast, “The Significant Women Podcast,” ranks in the top 10% of podcasts worldwide. As the author of 17 books, her voice of hope and encouragement continues to resonate.

McLeod’s mission is profound: “To make hell smaller and heaven bigger.” She envisions helping women of her generation live lives of joy, hope, and peace. “I’m going to cross my finish line sweaty, not rusty,” she declares, emphasizing her unwavering commitment to her faith.

Her advice to women today? “Did you read your Bible today?” she asks earnestly. For McLeod, the Bible is not just a book but a lifeline, a source of eternal truth and wisdom. “Reading the Bible is not a have to. But it’s a get to,” she emphasizes. She encourages everyone to find a church that preaches the Word of God, supports missionaries, and loves children—places where worship is sincere and prayer is honored.

Carol McLeod Ministries encapsulates her life’s work. From Bible studies that exploded from 40 to 500 women in just months to her first book, “Rooms of a Woman’s Heart,” McLeod’s journey has been one of saying “yes” to every door God has opened. She has an active prison ministry, a

thriving outreach to remote villages in Pakistan, more than four million downloads on her various YouVersion devotionals, and her popular weekly Significant Women podcast.

Her most recent book, Overflowing: Living Abundantly in a Broken Culture can be found on Amazon, her website, and all major book retailers. For more information about Carol McLeod and her ministry, please visit or download her app on your smartphone. You can also explore her teachings on her YouTube channel and join her on this journey of faith and hope.”

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