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Are Faith-Based Women Business Owners Getting the Publicity They Deserve?

Are Faith-Based Women Business Owners Getting the Publicity They Deserve?

In recent years, a remarkable movement has emerged as Christian women boldly step into the business arena, fueled by faith, entrepreneurial spirit, and a divine calling to make a kingdom impact. Yet, an important question arises: Are these trailblazing women receiving the publicity and visibility they rightfully deserve in the broader business landscape?

A Flourishing Kingdom Presence: Faith driven entrepreneurs are transforming the business landscape by intertwining their devotion to God with their entrepreneurial calling. These visionary women are building businesses that aim to glorify God-serve their communities with purpose and intention. From creating faith-centered products to launching community-focused initiatives, they are diversifying industries and fostering inclusive workplaces that reflect the love and light of Jesus Christ.

According to the recent National Women’s Business Council , women own 14 million businesses, accounting for 39.1% of all U.S. enterprises. This represents a 13.6% increase from 2019 to 2023, with women, particularly women of color, leading a small business renaissance. Emerging stronger from the pandemic than previous economic challenges, women are now responsible for creating approximately half of all new businesses, reflecting their significant post-pandemic economic influence.

Overcoming Publicity Challenges: Despite their impactful contributions, many Christian women entrepreneurs encounter barriers in gaining the visibility that could elevate their kingdom-driven businesses. Mainstream media often overlooks the unique perspectives and inspiring stories these women offer, favoring more secular narratives.

This oversight may stem from the niche nature of their businesses. While faith-based products and services resonate with certain audiences, they may not always capture the attention of larger media outlets. Furthermore, the intersection of faith and business can be misinterpreted or undervalued in traditional business realms.

Elevating Kingdom Voices: Recognizing this gap, platforms like Today’s Purpose are committed to amplifying the voices of Christian businesswomen. Sherrell Valdezloqui, the visionary behind Today’s Purpose Woman, passionately states, “Having been in the media for 14 years, I’ve seen the gap and felt called to create a global platform where women can freely discuss God and Jesus Christ while sharing their journeys and accomplishments.” Her dedication to showcasing these powerful kingdom narratives is shifting the conversation and providing the visibility these women deserve.

Glorifying God and Building Community: These businesses are not solely about financial success; they are also about glorifying God, instilling hope in others, and enabling women to connect with those they are called to serve. This kingdom-minded approach enriches their work and profoundly impacts the communities they touch, fostering a sense of divine purpose and connection.

Breaking Through the Noise: To combat the publicity gap, Christian women entrepreneurs are taking proactive steps to create their own spaces for visibility and storytelling. By leveraging social media platforms, podcasts, and faith-based networks, they are crafting narratives that resonate. Additionally, organizations dedicated to supporting Christian entrepreneurs are stepping up, offering networking opportunities, mentorship, and platforms for exposure.

Ultimately, the goal is for Christian women business owners to achieve success and be celebrated for their unique contributions to the business world. Their potential knows no bounds with faith as their foundation and entrepreneurship as their vehicle. Platforms like Today’s Purpose Woman, led by Sherrell Valdezloqui, are dedicated to ensuring the world recognizes their profound kingdom impact.

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