Alicia Searl: Devotional Writer On A Mission

Alicia Searl is just your ordinary mom next door. She always dreamed of getting married, having kids, and living in the suburbs, maybe because she had such an amazing role model in her mom. She is a wife, and together, she and her husband strive to raise three free-spirited daughters along with (in her words) a nervous dog that aims to do anything but protect their home in the burbs. As a former educator and homeschool mom, Alicia gets the stress and joys of being a working and stay-at-home mom.
Recently, God set Alicia on a new journey and used her love and passion for writing to share her heart and story through devotionals. “I love to write,” she says. “Writing has always been a source of relaxation and has brought me peace as it helps me connect deeply with my Savior. I feel I can’t be a good wife, mom, daughter, sister, or friend without connecting with my first love – Jesus.” Alicia shares that before she writes, she sits with God to pray, and God shows up, leading the way. She has written Wounded, a devotional for moms, and Chasing After Jesus, a devotional for teen girls. Alicia also writes for Christian blogs, hosts teen Bible studies, speaks to mom and youth groups, and has appeared on numerous podcasts.

How has being a devotional writer helped you personally on your journey?
Writing has always been a passion of mine, an outlet, if you will. Being an emotional girl that isn’t always good at sharing my feelings without restraint, I realized I could let all those feelings out without feeling guilty and still feel heard when I put pen to paper. That being said, my writing style has changed over the years, and God has opened doors in ways that have led me to where I am today. He is constantly changing me to meet a need for His ultimate purpose. God has blessed me by connecting me with precious ladies who guided me, offered support, and prayed over this writing journey. Of course, my biggest supporter has always been my momma.
How has your work brought hope, healing, or faith to the lives of others?
Powerful things happen when we open up and share our stories of how God is moving in our lives. God can always use our story to create a message of hope for others. It may not be easy to show vulnerability, and it takes courage, but God has been so faithful when I have stepped out in faith. From the sweet emails to random comments, I know God is moving and stirring in hearts through my simple story. God is in the midst of those heartfelt conversations, either through spoken or written words, and He is providing healing and restoration.
Tell us about your online community.
Honestly, I haven’t always been a big fan of social media. Because I love to meet people in person and am a huge hugger, the online community lacked that personal touch for me. But God opened my heart to see it as a pathway to love and serve other sisters in Christ. That passion for connecting with other ladies allowed me to create a community of women that can grow in their faith together. My prayer now is that my little space online feels inviting and encourages ladies of all walks of faith to feel welcome, sensing my “virtual hug.” As sisters in Christ, we aim to seek truth found in the living Word of God, pray for one another each Monday (Dear Daughter Devotionals), and cling to our source of hope found in Jesus.
Describe a time recently when you had to trust God and walk by faith or when you had to seek God’s guidance.
April 21 is a day that will forever be etched in my mind and heart. It is the day of my middle daughter’s birthday. It was also the day I lay in a hospital bed next to my momma and held her hand, praying for a miracle. That miracle was not met this side of Heaven. I don’t remember much of that day other than the out-of-body experience I had of walking down an eerie hospital hallway, leaving my sweet mom in that stark white room, all alone, knowing I would never hear the sound of her voice again, smell her vanilla perfume, or feel the warmth of her tender embrace. Somehow, I managed to make it to the grocery store to buy my daughter flowers and balloons. It was all such a blur, but I look back on that day and see God’s hand in the midst of all of it. God has continued to provide a source of strength that I can’t explain. He continues to walk me through this grief, breathing life back into me as I try to take it a day at a time.

After losing your mom, you saw the need to live out her legacy with your daughters. Can you share more about this?
My mom was not your ordinary mom; she was extraordinary. She lived life to the fullest and lived it well. Humble. Kind. Generous. Faithful. This was my mother. She provided such a beautiful example of how to be a devoted wife, loving mother, and faithful servant to the Lord. My mom and I had a special relationship. She was my true North, pointing me back to the right path when I veered away and always offering her fierce love and infinite wisdom. Navigating motherhood without her has proved difficult, but God laid a mission in my heart to raise my daughters (and essentially all daughters of Christ) to live and love just like she did! As I look at my daughters, I see my precious momma in each of them. Her physical presence may not be here, but her legacy still lives on.
What overall message would you like to convey to the world through your gifts and ministry?
God has a plan, and you have a purpose! As long as you have breath, God has a purpose for your life. I pray that the heartfelt words I share offer you hope and peace, conveying a message (God’s message), touching your heart, and drawing you closer to Him.
Are there any words of encouragement or advice you would like to leave with our readers?
Your story matters. Share it. Don’t let fear of judgement, comparison, lack of testimony, or hurt hold you back. Through sharing your story, healing comes because it shows who carried you through. Your story shares just how good our God is! We will acquire wounds on this journey; that is for certain. God tells us as much in John 16:33. But He also tells us to take heart as He has overcome the world. There is hope in that, so we must cling to that promise no matter what happens.
Is there anything else you would like to share?
My testimony is a bit different. I came to know Christ at an early age but didn’t have a personal relationship with Him until my 20s. Even then, I was still relatively immature, both literally and figuratively. God has been shaping and molding me ever since. He has a beautiful way of using our weaknesses to glorify Him. As a girl that struggles with anxiety, depression, fear, and loneliness, among many other titles I love to throw on myself, God gently brushes those names off and declares only one title over me – beloved. When you put your trust in the Lord, it’s the only title you will ever need. You are beloved!
How can readers connect and learn more about you?
Visit her website at and connect with her on Instagram and Facebook @AliciaSearlWrites