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A Summer of Inspiration: Must Read Books this Summer

A Summer of Inspiration: Must Read Books this Summer

As we bask in the glow of summer, it’s time to feed our souls with words that inspire, uplift, and propel us into our God-given destinies. This season, Today’s Purpose Woman has curated a list of memoirs, devotionals, journals, and more, specially designed to resonate with the hearts of Christian women. These books are your perfect summer companions, offering not just delight and relaxation, but profound spiritual growth and encouragement.

Do It Anyway: Don’t Give Up Before It Gets Good, by Tasha Cobbs Leonard

Pastor, entrepreneur, and gospel music icon Tasha Cobbs Leonard tells of journeying through moments of unforeseen challenges while holding to an unshakable God and discovering that our greatest breakthroughs come when we make the courageous choice to show up and do hard things anyway. With true testimony and conviction, Tasha inspires you toward a bolder way of life with the promise that it will always be worth it on the other side.

Unstuck: 90 Days of Inspiration, Encouragement, and the Promise of New Life, by Real Talk Kim

Discover God’s grace and power to conquer regret, shame, and every struggle that comes your way with 90 days of encouragement from Real Talk Kim.

Pain and regret tell you that you can’t move forward in life. The truth is, you’re only stuck if you stop moving—and Unstuck is the book you need to keep moving. In Unstuck life coach and pastor Real Talk Kim reminds you that staying stuck takes as much energy as moving forward. So why not move forward?

Packed with hope, inspiration, and Real Talk Kim’s pithy wisdom, Unstuck gives you the daily dose of encouragement you need to take one more step toward the incredible future God has for you. Today is when you start moving forward!

 A Purpose Driven Woman: 14 Memoirs on Becoming Fearless & Intentional, by Felicia Shakespeare

The path to finding your true purpose is often filled with doubts and detours, and attaining the life you feel destined to live can seem impossible. But in A Purpose Driven Woman: 14 Memoirs on Becoming Fearless and Intentional, Felicia Shakespeare and 13 courageous co-authors prove that you can transform your life and live out your passions.

What Time Is It In Your Life? It’s Time to…Take Back Your Power and Testify!, by Regina Mixon

What are you waiting on? This book is for those who have settled for a life less than God’s best. You CAN live the life you want; the life of YOUR dreams. Assume your rightful position!  Take back your power, testify and give God the GLORY! 

 The Mending of A Broken Vessel, by Nthabiseng Ngoepe

The Mending of a Broken Vessel is a memoir that takes readers through Nthabiseng’s struggle as a mother who battles to understand her children, the successful career woman battling to find acceptance and love, the secret alcoholic, and mental health issues that ultimately led to multiple suicide attempts. It also details the stigma of divorce and the shame she suffered in owning the truth about her mental health struggles. In reading the book it depicts a long-term state of brokenness that spans through even the earlier years of her calling as a Pastor. 

Power Moves: Ignite Your Confidence and Become a Force, by Sarah Jakes Roberts

Unleash the superpower of being yourself. Sarah Jakes Roberts, bestselling author of Woman Evolve, will help you craft a language toward your issues with intentionality.

Stripping our minds of the expectations that inundate our world has never been more difficult. One quick scroll of our phones and we’re consumed by other people’s projections of how we should be feeling or responding.

The ability to determine your truth without judgment is the beginning of harnessing authentic power in Christ. When we do the work of embracing where we are, we create space for God’s love to meet us in our most raw form and then polish us to shine like never before. Power does not lie in success, achievement, or performance. Power rests in humility, honesty, and the commitment to continuous growth.

Power Moves will help you to qualify whether you’re living life authentically or if you’ve found a way to maintain status quo. It will reveal the principles required to tap into the most powerful version of who you are, then lead you in how to introduce your authentic self to the world around you. 

The Visionary Within Journal: Write the Vision Make it Plain, by Veronica Johnson

Veronica Johnson is writing these chronicles with the hope of empowering just one person to believe in themselves and to trust in God to see them through anything in life. According to Veronica, God has given each individual a measure of gifts and talents to be used to uplift others. Veronica promises that once one sees themselves as God sees them – striving, healthy, generous, gifted, and prosperous – they will have all the tools needed to push forward in accomplishing their dreams and goals.

Overflowing : Living Abundantly in a Broken Culture, by Carol McLeod

If you long to live a life overflowing with hope, peace, and joy, perhaps what your life needs is an intentional center. We all have one―that nucleus upon which we obtain our energy and discern our purpose. Perhaps until now, your center has been based on shopping, entertainment, or sports. Or maybe you are like many others and have centered your very existence upon your children, family, or career. What if those things you’ve placed at the center of your life will not bring you the abundance you desire? What if you need a true center? Bible scholars through the ages have insisted that the book of Colossians is the most Christ-centered book in the entire Bible. If that is true, then we, as twenty-first-century believers, must choose to study this Jesus-centric epistle with enthusiasm and with intention. By the end of this deep dive into the sacred pages of Scripture, your life will shout to the world, “I am Christ-centered! He is my source, my joy, my all in all!”

Raising Prophetic Kids: The Building Blocks of Nurturing Spiritual Gifts, by Debra Giles

Usher Your Children into Their Highest Calling

Has your daughter come to you about a dream she’s had or a feeling of a future happening? Does your son see angels or blurt out messages that could only come from God? 

Having raised four spiritually gifted sons activated into prophetic ministry, prophetic mentor and teacher Debra Giles helps you identify and develop your children’s unique spiritual giftings.

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