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Kim B. Wells Talks 3 G’s- Goals, Growth and God

Kim B. Wells Talks 3 G’s- Goals, Growth and God

It’s the first Tuesday in October, and fall has gracefully announced its arrival with a cool breeze whispering through the trees. As I sit at my desk, a familiar notification pings—a response from Kim B. Wells, the dynamic force behind our latest digital cover story. Our brief call on Monday was nothing short of uplifting; her voice radiated warmth and authenticity, making me feel instantly connected, like a sister.

Kim B. Wells, M.Ed., is a powerhouse—a visionary leader and serial entrepreneur renowned for her innovative spirit and dedication to empowering others. As the CEO of Kim B. Wells Enterprises, she helms multiple ventures, including Grime and Shine Cleaning Solutions and the inspiring non-profit organization SISERS’ In Stilettos, which champions women to chase their dreams.

Her creative talents are boundless. From writing, producing, and directing the movie trailer “Stilettos Under Fire” to authoring the book “Secrets, Sins, and Stilettos,” Kim B’s influence is far-reaching. She also hosts and produces The Stilettos Experience TV Show, a platform that amplifies her mission of strength and resilience.

The heart of Kim B’s philosophy is the 3 G’s Goals, Growth, and God—woven into her journey of Walking in Stilettos. “Goals push me forward, Growth ensures I’m evolving, and God keeps me grounded,” she explains. It’s all about facing life’s challenges with grace and determination, no matter how high the heels or tough the path. Balancing ambition with faith and style is her mantra.

Kim B’s approach to juggling her many roles and responsibilities is rooted in intentionality. “I start by asking, ‘What truly matters most?'” she tells us. Her priorities align with her purpose, focusing on goals that promise significant impact. It’s a constant balancing act between business, community, and personal life, all guided by a clear vision and divine direction.

Among her proudest achievements is the launch of her book, Secrets, Sins, and Stilettos. This project required discipline, vulnerability, and trust in divine timing. “It was more than just writing—it was about staying committed and embracing every twist and turn,” Kim reflects.

To other women, Kim B offers empowering advice: dream big and let no setback define you. “Obstacles build character and resilience,” she asserts, encouraging women to break down their goals into manageable steps and celebrate every victory, no matter how small. Surrounding oneself with positivity and staying rooted in faith are key to overcoming challenges.

For Kim B, continuous growth is essential. Her strategies include embracing learning, self-care, and stepping out of her comfort zone. Leading new projects or acquiring new skills are vital parts of her journey; ensuring growth is always part of the plan.

Founding SISERS’ In Stilettos was a pivotal moment for Kim B., challenging her to confront fears and embrace leadership. This experience shaped her career and deepened her commitment to empowering the community.

Faith is Kim B’s guiding light, influencing every decision and shaping her empathetic, purpose-driven leadership style. “I lead in a way that honors God’s principles,” she shares, highlighting the importance of daily prayer and reflection. Her faith provides clarity and peace during tough times, reminding her of the perfection of divine timing.

Looking forward, Kim B. Wells envisions her future as a deeper manifestation of God’s plan. She is excited to continue inspiring others and pushing boundaries, leaving a legacy of faith, empowerment, and purpose. Her advice is simple yet profound: “Never stop striving for greatness, but always stay grounded in faith. Goals give you a reason to wake up, growth keeps you evolving, and God makes the impossible possible.” With such alignment, anything is achievable.

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