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While At The Beach Here’s What God Taught Me About Finding Peace Amidst Life’s Challenges

While At The Beach Here’s What God Taught Me About Finding Peace Amidst Life’s Challenges

This year, I’ve been dreaming of a beach day—a moment to let the sun kiss my face and the waves serenade my soul. But with the never-ending roles of being a mom, wife, church minister, author, and CEO, that dream seemed to slip further away with each passing day. I’m sure many of you can relate to this juggling act.

Then, like a divine appointment, a relative breezed into town and casually mentioned a trip to the beach. That was my sign. It was now or never. I knew if I didn’t take this chance, I’d be sitting here months later, wishing I had. With a family move looming this fall, the timing was perfect.

I asked, “Do you mind if I tag along?” Promising to be low-key, I only wanted to plant myself on the shore, let the ocean do its thing, and chat with the Lord. It’s my way of letting go and finding clarity outside my hectic routine.

And girl, did God speak to me that day. As I gazed at the endless blue, He said, “Look at this mighty ocean.” Those waves rise high and proud, but they gently lap at your feet as they reach the shore. Where you stand—whether on the shore or further in—changes how those waves affect you.

Life’s like that, isn’t it? We all face those towering waves of challenges. But here’s the real talk: our faith, our trust in God, decides how those waves impact us. Will they crash over us, or will we let God’s strength keep them underfoot? It’s our faith that can turn these challenges into stepping stones, not stumbling blocks. Let’s remember, it’s not the size of the wave, but the strength of our faith that matters.

I needed that reminder. Life’s struggles can feel relentless, but trusting in God reframes them. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and struggling to keep your head above water, I’m right there with you. Even as a believer, I’ve faced those deep, questioning moments.

But as I’ve grown in faith, I’ve learned to keep more waves beneath my feet. It’s all about remembering God’s faithfulness. Is it always easy? Far from it. But this beach day was a gentle reminder to stay grounded in God’s love and let those waves settle where they belong—under my feet, not above my head.

Practical Tips to Keep the Waves Under Your Feet:

Carve Out Quiet Time

Find a few moments each day to sit in silence, pray, and listen to God’s voice. It doesn’t have to be long, just intentional.

Stay Grounded in Scripture

Keep verses like Isaiah 43:2 close to your heart. Write them down, meditate on them, and let them guide you through turbulent times.

Seek Community Support

Surround yourself with a circle of strong, faith-filled women who can pray with you and lift you up when the waves feel overwhelming.

Practice Gratitude

Focus on the blessings in your life, no matter how small. It shifts your perspective and helps you see God’s hand at work. Even in the midst of life’s storms, there is always something to be grateful for. Let’s hold onto these moments of joy and thankfulness and let them guide us through the rough waters.

Take Small Breaks

Don’t wait for a perfect time to relax. Seize small moments to breathe and recharge, even if it’s just a walk around the block.

Let’s hold onto Isaiah 43:2: “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you.” Keep your faith strong, Sis, and let’s ride these waves with grace and resilience.

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