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5 Inspiring Takeaways from Dr. Kimberly Ellison’s Feature in the Anticipated New Book, Forces For Change

5 Inspiring Takeaways from Dr. Kimberly Ellison’s Feature in the Anticipated New Book, Forces For Change

In the transformative pages of Forces for Change: Voices of Faith, Hope and Purpose, award-winning author and Today’s Purpose Woman publisher Sherrell Valdezloqui invites readers into profound conversations with 14 remarkable women who are making waves in their communities and beyond. Among these inspiring voices is Dr. Kimberly Ellison, a dynamic leader and the creative force behind Sparkle Publishing and DKEG Professional Development & Training Company. Here are five key takeaways from Dr. Ellison’s powerful feature that illuminate her journey and the impactful lessons she shares about resilience, faith, and being a force for positive change.

Every Woman’s Story is a Sparkle

Dr. Ellison believes that every woman possesses a unique story, rich with challenges and victories that contribute to her “sparkle.” “Every woman has a story,” she declares, inviting us to recognize that our experiences shape us and can inspire others. By sharing our narratives, we create empowerment that uplifts not just ourselves, but those around us.

Transforming Reluctance into Opportunity

Initially, Dr. Ellison hesitated to embrace her role as a publisher, often turning down requests for assistance. However, a pivotal moment arrived during a women’s conference when a close friend urged her to step into her calling. “It was an immediate yes,” she recalls with a smile. This moment of transformation reminds us that sometimes, the opportunities we resist can lead to our greatest triumphs.

Growth is a Lifelong Journey

Dr. Ellison emphasizes that growth is not a destination but a continuous journey. With over 21 years in her field, she has devoted her life to guiding others toward their potential. “Change happens over time, not overnight,” she advises, encouraging readers to embrace patience and perseverance as they navigate their own paths to success.

Creating a Culture of Fulfillment

As a leader, Dr. Ellison is passionate about fostering an environment where her team feels both challenged and fulfilled. “I don’t want an exhausted team; I want a challenged, yet fulfilled team of individuals,” she asserts. This philosophy not only boosts productivity but also cultivates a vibrant culture of collaboration and positivity—a vital lesson for anyone aspiring to lead.

Faith as a Guiding Light

Dr. Ellison’s decisions are deeply rooted in the principles of Alignment and Development, ensuring her choices resonate with her purpose and passion. Her unwavering faith also plays a key role in shaping her strategies and support for others. “My faith is intertwined with my commitment to growth,” she shares, illustrating how spiritual alignment can empower us to uplift those around us.

Dr. Kimberly Ellison’s insights in Forces for Change are not just words—they are a call to action for every woman to embrace her journey, share her sparkle, and become a catalyst for transformation. Her story is a testament to the power of resilience and faith, reminding us that by lifting each other up, we can create a brighter future for all. In a world that needs positive change, Dr. Ellison shines as a beacon of hope, inspiring us all to step into our purpose and let our stories light the way.

Ready to explore more about Dr. Ellison and the incredible women featured in Forces for Change? Dive into this empowering book and discover how each woman’s journey can inspire your own path to greatness!

Forces for Change: Voices of Faith, Hope and Purpose, by award-winning author Sherrell Valdezloqui, is a hardcover coffee table book (8.5×11). 

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