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Dr. Roslyn Bell: A Journey of Love, Nurturing, and Support in Education

Dr. Roslyn Bell: A Journey of Love, Nurturing, and Support in Education

In the hallways of a high school in Crowley ISD, Dr. Roslyn Bell strides with purpose. As the principal, she has carved a space for herself in the field of education over the past 20 years. Her journey is layered with experiences of love, nurturing, and support as a wife, mother, grandmother, sibling, colleague, and child of God. 

“Born in a bustling household with five siblings, our parents were our first and most impactful teachers,” Dr. Bell recalls. “They instilled in us a strong work ethic, the importance of education, good character, and integrity.” Their standards were high, their support unyielding. 

Dr. Bell’s journey into education wasn’t inspired by a person but by her own experiences as a student. “I vowed to give every student a high-quality, meaningful, and positive experience,” she declares. “I was determined to close the gaps that existed between them and their affluent counterparts.” Her mission was to form lasting relationships with her students, to make learning fun, and to leave an indelible mark on their lives.

“Education isn’t just about imparting knowledge. It’s a dynamic process that shapes individuals, communities, and societies,” Dr. Bell emphasizes. Her educational philosophy hinges on the belief that every student has the potential to learn at high levels. For her, nurturing students with confidence, a growth mindset, and love leads them toward academic, social, and emotional success. 

Being a black woman educator has come with its challenges. Dr. Bell has persevered, from struggling to secure her first job as an administrator due to perceived being overconfident. “I knew my worth,” she says, “God placed me right where I needed to be.” 

The triumphs in her journey are not medals or accolades but the students, teachers, and administrators she’s impacted. “The lessons I’ve taught have left the greatest impact on my life,” she reflects. 

Dr. Bell believes her presence in the classroom inspired her students, particularly black girls. She carries herself with grace and elegance, presenting her best version every day. 

Dr. Bell advises authenticity and passion for educators embarking on their own journey. “This work is not for the faint of heart,” she warns. “You have to love it for you and those around you to be successful.”

Dr. Bell is also a contributing author to the Centering Our Voices anthology, a collection of lived experiences from over 20 black women educators. Her chapter, “Grit, Grace, and Perseverance to Achieve Success,” offers a powerful message: “Do not let what others think of you determine your path in the future. Shock the world, and take God along with you. He will direct your path.”

Dr. Bell believes that the anthology will inspire and equip education communities positively. “I believe that this book will shed light on the power of perseverance, hard work, and self-efficacy,” she states. 

To connect with Dr. Bell and order a copy of the book, she encourages readers to reach out via email at

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