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2024 Woman to Watch: Dr. Angela Petitt

2024 Woman to Watch: Dr. Angela Petitt

Dr. Angela Petitt is a woman to watch in 2024. Dr. Petitt’s journey to success as an award-winning leader, decorated scholar, and one of the top 200 Black Women in Tech to Follow on Twitter is inspiring. Her passion for helping others shines through in everything she does, and she is determined to impact the world positively.

Dr. Petitt’s expertise lies in the intersection of business and tech. She has a demonstrated history in IT, and her skills include business analysis, change management, building relationships, and software implementations. Her leadership and consulting experience has helped clients and organizations facilitate transformative technical initiatives.

In her own words, “True progress is made at the intersection of business & tech.” This belief has driven her to excel in her field, and she has been recognized as a leader in the tech industry. But her impact goes beyond her technical skills. Dr. Petitt is committed to helping others, and her journey to success has been marked by courage and leadership.

During the throes of the recession, Dr. Petitt took a leap of faith and quit her corporate IT job to go on a sabbatical without selling anything. Her decision to take a break and live fully and freely, even for a short period, was rooted in prayer and the Bible. In her words, “There is more to life than just work. Yes, work is important. But, our well-being is also necessary. Rest from the routine is powerful, and there is power in the pause.”

Dr. Petitt’s colleagues were impressed with her ability to follow through on her dreams, and she now serves as an inspiring lifestyle catalyst and an advocate for doing life & work differently with extended career breaks, sabbaticals, and corporate comebacks. She believes taking a sabbatical, career break, and extended time off should not be a deal breaker. It should be life-enhancing. She wants to inspire and support others to take the leap and live their dreams.

In her own words, “I’m always interested in connecting with professional women who are ready to take a break to Amp Up, Take it to the Top, & Go…you only live once!” Her commitment to helping others has earned her recognition as a woman to watch in 2024 and beyond.

Dr. Petitt’s faith and values guide her decision-making and actions in her personal and professional life. She is a firm believer in Psalm 138:8 (ESV) “The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands” and Jeremiah 29:11-14 – “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the LORD. These verses give her courage, confidence, and comfort to advance in life and her endeavors.

As Dr. Petitt continues to make waves in the tech industry and beyond, she remains committed to helping others. Additionally, doing life differently has been a motto and a recurring theme for her as she has traveled around the world to over 80 countries across 6 continents and as she has earned her doctorate in leadership. Even as a full-time caregiver for her mom, who has Alzheimer’s, incorporating faith in work and in life centers around being a light for her and others. With that said, Dr. Petitt would like to share that we just need to give ourselves grace and also extend grace to others because you never know what someone else is really going through. 

Her journey to success is a testament to the power of faith, courage, and leadership. In her own words, “There is power in the pause, and there is beauty in the journey.” Dr. Petitt is a woman to watch, and we can’t wait to see what she does next.

Connect with Dr. Petitt via – Instagram – @drp_globalista_angie,, and

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