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Her Brand Builds Confident Individuals and Sustainable Businesses by Creatively Interweaving Principles of Psychology and Principles of Business

Her Brand Builds Confident Individuals and Sustainable Businesses by Creatively Interweaving Principles of Psychology and Principles of Business

Dr. Dene’ Starks-McGee is an educator, speaker, author, radio and film producer, and the owner of DJS Business Solutions, a full-service business consulting firm. Dr. Dene’ specializes in working with others to find innovative and sustainable ways to transform lives. Dr. Dene’ is a transformative speaker and serves as an advisor to government institutions.

Through her journey, Dr. Dene’ has discovered her passion for inspiring, equipping, and motivating people from all walks of life to follow their dreams. She has spent most of her life serving in ministry. Her dominant spiritual gifts are teaching and administration. Dr. Dene’ believes that God has taken her 14-year corporate experience, ministry experience, and education and blended them to position her for such a time as this (Esther 4:14).

Below, Today’s Purpose Woman spoke with Dr. Dene about her journey, consulting firm DJS Business Solutions, and more.

Tell us about your consulting firm, DJS Business Solutions:

The DJS brand builds confident individuals and sustainable businesses by creatively interweaving principles of psychology and principles of business. This approach motivates entrepreneurs to turn their passion and expertise into a profitable “work from anywhere” business that transforms lives.

Can you tell us about a person who has used this program and what their life was like before and after using your services?

One of my clients came to me with a great business idea that would provide necessary services to developmentally disabled adults. This idea aimed to provide technical job skills and digital certifications to this underrepresented group, which would reduce the unemployment rates within this group.

This idea was in a pre-venture stage and needed direction on how or where to start. The client had been working on this idea for two years and was beginning to lose motivation because she felt lost, helpless, and alone in the process. She received a scary medical diagnosis causing her to lose focus. Naturally, the client was in a state of mind that caused her to put her entrepreneurial dreams on hold.

Once the client contacted me for assistance, things moved swiftly. Over 90 days, we were able to set the foundation for the business, create a signature program, market the program, and win a $500,000 small business contract and three additional partnerships. Not only did God heal the client, but she now lives life inspired, motivated, confident, and encouraged to move forward in all she is called to do.

What message do you want to relay to those you are called to serve and impact this season?

Quit Quitting!
God has a purpose for each one of us. You can’t accomplish the mission of Christ if you quit. Remember, Christ gives us everything we need to be successful. You can live abundantly, get paid well, and be fulfilled. Don’t give up on your dreams. Keep going, hold on to your faith, and pursue all God has for you!

Is there anything else you would like to share?

I love helping people plan, optimize, and execute their goals. I have been afforded the opportunity to provide business education, training, development, and other services to thousands of pre-ventures and new and existing ventures. With 14+ years of experience in the business field, I know what it takes to start, grow, fund, and excel. Be encouraged. NOW is the time to pursue your dreams and become all you are destined to be!

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