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How Kate Butler Helps Women Become Clear on Their Purpose and Story

How Kate Butler Helps Women Become Clear on Their Purpose and Story

Kate Butler is a TV Host, Publisher, #1 International Best-selling Author and Speaker. She hosts the TV Show “Where All Things Are Possible” which streams on RVNTV via Roku. She is also the creator of the Inspired Impact Book Series, a #1 International Best-selling Series published by over 300 authors. Kate focuses on taking your story and bringing it to life in a best-selling book…this is her specialty!

Kate is currently passionate about building a community of like-minded, heart-centered souls who deserve to live their wildest dreams. Her leadership philosophy is to lead by example, authenticity and vulnerability. “It is the greatest compliment that when people get into my world, they repeatedly say, “You are the real deal.” I truly believe this is because I would never teach or lead someone to do something that I was not actively doing myself, and this shines through.”

Kate is the founder of Kate Butler Books, a publishing company and one-stop media shop. The company helps women become clear on their purpose and story, helps them write best-selling books, and mentors them on how to take their message out to the world through TV media, Radio, Podcasts, books, magazines, and other print media publications. “We only work with people who want to help, heal or inspire through their message. We help these heart-centered souls through simple steps that establish a thriving platform to help them to go on and make a massive difference in the world. We say, “Give us six months, and we will give you a new platform, business, and purpose in the world! And we guarantee you are a Best-selling Author on top of all that! Can you tell we LOVE what we do?”

Kate’s journey to starting her publishing company began when she became a mother of two. “I was a new mom to an infant and a toddler and every night as I would put them to bed, I would create stories of what I dreamed their lives would become. I could look into their eyes, so full of potential, and see what was possible for them. I truly believed it was ALL possible. One night, as I told them my version of bedtime stories, I began to weep. It was one of the moments that it felt like God took me by the shoulders and said, “It’s time to wake up.” I heard, “You are dreaming about all that is possible for their lives, but what about yours? What about the dreams you had? What about living out your purpose? How are they supposed to believe it is possible when they don’t see you doing it or even trying to do it?” And I was stunned.

This message spoke to Kate’s core. “I wish I could say I had enough courage to do it for myself, but the reality is, I was doing it for my daughters. I wanted to show them what going after your dreams looked like. Whether I succeeded or failed, at least I would show them what the journey was like to go for it, and so it began.” Kate shares that regarding her business, she is most proud that her children are incorporated into the business and, at the ages of 5 and 7, became #1 Best-selling Authors. 

Kate continues teaching others how to activate their authentic mission, share it for massive impact, and create a lucrative business. She invites anyone who believes they have a message to share, a bigger purpose to live, a story to write or just wants MORE out of life to reach out and connect. “Let’s have a conversation. I would love to explore what’s next for you, how to expand your dream, and live the life you were meant for!”

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