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Meet Janelle Renee Founder of Redefining A Woman’s Worth

Meet Janelle Renee Founder of Redefining A Woman’s Worth

Janelle Renee is a redefinition, relationship coach, and founder of Redefining A Woman’s Worth & Redefining My Worth LLC, birthed from her passion for seeing women overcome the burden of past trauma and walk in their true identity and Purity After Promiscuity Podcast. She is also a mentor, author, poet, entrepreneur, and mother of three sons. She receives great joy from seeing women set free from the bondage that life’s experiences can place on them, crippling them from advancing. 

Janelle has always advocated for the voiceless and broken. Even as a child, she was drawn to advocate for those in need. She enjoys serving in her local church, spending time with family and friends, traveling, eating good food, and writing. Above all, her relationship with Jesus Christ is the driving force behind everything she does and the foundation on which she stands.

Redefining A Woman’s Worth is a coaching and consulting company with a mission to restore each woman to her true God-given identity- redefine her worth, reframe her mindset and renew her relationships through self-paced, one-on-one, and group coaching programs. The programs target specific areas such as self fulfillment, renewed relationships, self-care, positive self talk, purpose and destiny, purity after promiscuity, and femininity & finances. So each woman has an option to choose any or all of the areas of redefinition. These are Janelle’s areas of expertise, experience, and passion. Redefining a woman’s Worth aims to restore the whole woman so she can show up in every area of her life as the best version of herself and live the most productive, successful, fulfilling, healthy lifestyle possible.  

Janelle’s journey leading her to the marketplace began in 2021 when she was at one of the lowest points in her life. “It’s funny how God will use the unexpected to bless you. I honestly had no thought or idea of being a coach or starting a coaching company; it was the furthest thing from my mind. At this time, I was experiencing a season that I viewed as pruning. Everything comfortable or reliable was falling apart, being taken away, or drying up.”  

She recounts not having any money, living in an empty house with her children, no car, suffering extreme physical pain in her body, and feeling forsaken by God. “One day, I heard God say clearly, ‘Restore My daughters.’ This seemed unusual when I was the one who needed restoration, yet He said it repeatedly. While in my season of obscurity, women were drawn to me. They sought me for wisdom and advice, listening, applying then giving positive feedback on the strategy I gave them. For years I had been coaching and consulting without even realizing it.” One day ideas, strategies, and downloads began to flow for Janelle. “I recorded everything I heard, and when the opportunity came for me to start building, the resources opened up.” Janelle knew then God was calling her to the marketplace to increase her ability to impact and restore His daughters.

Janelle views her work as a calling by God. “This is my ministry, helping, empowering, and encouraging women is who I am at the core. I have the most joy and fulfillment when I see the transformation. Taking the ashes of life and helping to repurpose them to become beauty is what I live for. This is the gift God has given me to edify the body of Christ. Whether or not I’m in the marketplace, I will seek to help restore women. It’s who I am. All the pain, turmoil, abuse, and heartache I suffered is my motivation for bringing hope to my sisters that they too can be healed and become whole. God loves them, and loving themselves is possible.” 

Janelle wants to convey to those she is called to serve that the most important and valuable asset you have is you. “There is only one you, and investing in your health, healing, and wholeness will yield an innumerable return if you commit to the process.” She continues, “As women, we often put the needs of others before our own, leaving us depleted, exhausted, and overwhelmed. The thought that we will always have time causes us to put off what we really need. The time is now; prioritizing your health will not only benefit you, your family, friends, community, and ultimately, the world. You do not have to fake it until you make it. Say you’re ok when you’re truly not, or live a life beneath the abundant life Jesus died for you to have. You can live the life you desire in your heart, but you have to be willing to invest in yourself. We invest in many things that give us little to no return or don’t have any real value, but nothing is more valuable than you. Don’t put it off; do it now! Don’t rest until you do.” (Proverbs 6:4 NLT)

You can contact or connect with Janelle via the following:



Facebook: Redefining A Woman’s Worth

Podcast: Purity After Promiscuity 

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