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After Being Healed of Brokenness and Promiscuity, She Now Empowers Others to be Restored by the Lord

After Being Healed of Brokenness and Promiscuity, She Now Empowers Others to be Restored by the Lord

Janelle Renee is a mother, mentor, author, poet, entrepreneur, podcast host, redefinition, relationship coach, and the founder of Redefining A Woman’s Worth & Redefining My Worth LLC. She is deeply committed to seeing women heal, become whole, and live unapologetically in their worth and purpose. Janelle’s faith influences how she serves and impacts the lives of others in the sense that she consistently demonstrates love, compassion, and grace to all people. Her faith inspires her hope and ability to generously give her resources, time, and talents to others in need. Janelle shares that even when she’s exhausted, her love for the Lord’s people keeps her going. “I believe in the impossible and that nothing is impossible with God, that no one is too far gone for God’s love.”

What is one issue or concern you feel needs to be discussed, and what can you provide as part of the solution?

One concern that needs to be discussed is the huge barrier between receiving Jesus to be saved and becoming whole and learning to embody a godly woman’s virtues, behavior, and character. I have found that the church is full of saved but broken, unhealed women who tend to operate in the same manner as they did in the world. When a woman begins to attend church but isn’t aware of church etiquette or dress code, they get unwelcomed stares or disrespect instead of love. These women need to be taught, not judged. This is why the Lord gave me the assignment to “Restore His Daughters.’” My entire ministry was created to be a solution to this disheartening issue.

What life lesson did you learn the hard way?

I learned the hard way that it doesn’t matter how much of an abundance of money or resources you have. If you lack the wisdom, skills, and discipline to manage it, you will lose it. It’s better to manage little than to squander much.

Tell us about one life experience you felt significantly shaped you into who you are today.

One life experience that shaped me into who I am today is when I was in my last toxic and abusive relationship. It forced me to look at myself to realize some issues and brokenness kept me in the vicious cycle of unhealthy relationships. I could no longer blame my ex for everything. I had to take responsibility for my part in allowing myself to be mistreated in the name of love. This led me to go down my healing and journey to Redefining My Worth.

Fear, shame, and regret have paralyzed many from embracing their life purpose. What advice would you give to help someone overcome this obstacle? 

The advice I give to those that may be paralyzed with fear, shame and regret, which has kept them from their life purpose, is you have to know that there is someone who needs what God put in you. When the Bible says, “All things work together for the good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose,” you must believe this is true. God has already considered your past and mistakes and still forgave, called and died for you. Forgive yourself, go through your healing journey and make peace with the things you cannot change. This helps you to be free and confident to move forth into your purpose. Forgive yourself and let go of the past to lay hold of your future, and remember, we all must give an account to God at the end of what we did or did not do on the earth. This includes His purpose for your life. People are waiting and depending on you. I had to do everything I mentioned for myself; I am a living witness. I was so paralyzed by fear and shame when I realized my purpose. I never saw myself being transparent about my past to the public or God using my bad experiences to help other women. I would have never been able to surrender and be obedient. I had to believe God was with me, and I continued to push through in fear sometimes, but God always met me. I have no regrets about my decision to live in my purpose. It is all worth it.

Is there anything else compelling you would like to share?

Embracing your purpose is not about the absence of fear but about your faith being bigger. You will have to do it scared, take the leap and trust that God will not fail you. The Lord’s grace will take you places you can’t imagine when you’re obedient to fulfill His will for your life, and many will be impacted for the glory of God!

This article appears in the Purpose & Power 2023 issue of TODAYSPURPOSEWOMAN.

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